Americans becoming more Hindu-like - Jennifer Ryu, Williamsburg - TopicsExpress


Americans becoming more Hindu-like - Jennifer Ryu, Williamsburg Unitarian Universalities ================================== “Hinduism is not a religion as Western mind think. Hinduism has no primary text but it has a whole bunch of books: Vedic texts, Upanishads, Bhagwat Gita, etc. Hinduism has no spiritual founder, it has no creation story. In this way it is not a religion rather its a broad conglomeration of thoughts, philosophies & traditions that lasts from thousands of thousands of years. Some of these philosophies are now seeping into our popular culture and we found many-many peoples embracing Hindu-like ideals. - First of it was mentioned in Rigveda that Truth is one but can be spoken by different sages, can have different teachers i.e. being tolerant. Americans are now becoming more tolerant and 65% of Americans now believe that there are more than one true religion or more than one way to salvation. - Second, quarter of the Americans now believe in incarnation. - Third, the way we approach towards Spirituality. That is we kind a pick and choose from different faiths that works for you.”
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 10:39:55 +0000

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