Amidst the stories last week of terror in Israel and jihad against - TopicsExpress


Amidst the stories last week of terror in Israel and jihad against Christians in Iraq, there was some very good news. Meriam Ibrahim and her American family came home, to New Hampshire, where she can live and worship in the land of the free. From a death sentence in Sudan for her Christian faith to freedom in the United States, Meriams courage is an example for us all. Jihad does not always triumph. Prisoners are still rescued from the heart of darkness. There is hope. Read the Story: Meriam Ibrahim Comes Home to America. Here at home, our ACLJ Chief Counsel, Jay Sekulow, testified before Congress to call for a Special Counsel to investigate IRS wrongdoing, and even more Lois Lerner emails leaked. The scandal just gets worse. Read the Story: Jay Sekulow at the House of Representatives. The war in Gaza is not over, and the Obama Administration is putting enormous pressure on Israel, even backing key Hamas demands. Join more than 150,000 other Americans who stand with Israel. Tell the Obama Administration to support our closest Middle East ally. Sign the Petition: Stand With Israel and Support Her Right of Self-Defense. Finally, thank you for your support. Your tax-deductible gifts in July helped us work across the world to defend the persecuted Church and support Israel. Your support enabled us to fight here at home to protect life and liberty. We cant do our work without you. Support the ACLJ As We Fight for Faith and Freedom. The ACLJ Team
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 04:50:13 +0000

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