An African Proverb - Those who the darkness would tempt, it tells - TopicsExpress


An African Proverb - Those who the darkness would tempt, it tells not a lie but a lesser truth. Once upon a time, a man named Lie and a man named Truth were friends. They were men who had power and meaning and authority. They respected and honored each other. They worked together to help people understand how to create more love and harmony in the world. Lie always wore black while Truth always wore white. They were the extremes of the same life, a demonstration of choices for people to make. They were loved and revered as great teachers among people. On one very hot day, Lie and Truth went for a swim. They laid their garments at the bank of the river and dove deeply into the cool waters. Knowing that Truth was an accomplished swimmer, able to wade through all types of water, Lie encouraged him to go further and further into the river. Truth enjoying the cool water of the beautiful river listened to his friend until he could no longer hear his voice. Swimming, wading, floating in the water under the blaze of the sun, the Truth had a pleasant day. Many hours had passed when the Truth swam leisurely back to the shallow water of the river bank to discover that his clothing and his friend were nowhere to be found! He called out to his friend and got no answer. He called out louder and louder only to hear his voice echo in the silence of the forest. As night began to fall, Truth realized that he had been abandoned and would need to find a way to get back to town. Truth emerged from the water under the night sky, ducking and dodging behind trees and bushes all the way back to town, to Lies home. Covering his private parts Truth knocked on the door. There was no answer. Eventually becoming infuriated, refusing to be denied, Truth banged and called out to his friend. People began to gather, some snickering, others outraged that the Truth would be making such a ruckus. The Truth was cornered, unable to walk among the people without clothing, while being ignored by his friend. After several hours with many people gathered, Lie finally came to the door dressed in the Truths clothing, smoking a cigar. Why did you leave me? Truth demanded. What are you talking about? Lie offered in a smooth and inciting voice. You left me at the river and now you are wearing my clothes. Who are you sir? I dont know you and these are certainly not your clothes. The Truth was stunned. For many minutes they argued back and forth as Lie denied any knowledge of Truth. The people watched and listened and became outraged that a naked man would challenge such a finely dressed one. Soon someone threw a stone at the Truth. Others followed. Smoking his cigar Lie waited and watched as the people stoned the Truth, rendering him bloody and battered. From that day until this, people have come to believe a Lie before the accept or believe the Naked Truth. Think on these things.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 22:20:00 +0000

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