An Open Letter: Dear friends and strangers, please stop telling - TopicsExpress


An Open Letter: Dear friends and strangers, please stop telling me I need to eat more. I know you think youre being funny or genuinely concerned for my well-being, but its unnecessary. I eat at least 3 meals a day. I snack throughout the day. I also have an active lifestyle. None of these facts make me immune to body image issues. There was a clothing company that manufactured a shirt that said Eat Less. Many people, myself included, were outraged over this and the way it seemed to glamorize anorexia and body issues. I want you to think about something. What if someone, friend or stranger, came up to you and told you to eat less? They say it with a smile on their face and no obvious malicious intent. How do you react? Does it make you feel self-conscious? Does it make you angry? Do you feel violated? I mean, someone just made a judgment of your body like it was public property. They made a comment based solely on their feelings, not once considering yours. If you wouldnt want someone to tell you to eat less, dont tell anyone to eat more. Its time for these comments to be recognized for what they are: body shaming. So the next time you see any human person and feel the need to comment on their size/body type, I ask that you remember this. All of us have insecurities. One persons ideal is another persons nightmare. Lets stop judging each other by the way that we look. Instead, let us judge each other by the way we treat one another. Respect. Its something we owe each other.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 01:48:28 +0000

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