An empirical look at the Far Left wing on Merseyside: I speak - TopicsExpress


An empirical look at the Far Left wing on Merseyside: I speak mostly in the past tense because I was amongst these people for some years so my observations are largely empirical. Firstly, my criticisms of the useless public sector workers does not include, Teachers, All NHS workers (except for useless NHS managers and bureaucrats), Fireman, policemen or other vital public sector workers etc. Secondly I am a democratic libertarian. Let’s take a closer look at the hierarchical structures of the far left wing and their self-elevated guru leaders, who claim to be fighting for the wellbeing of the working class poor. These people also have developed what can only be described as a suffocating oppressive paternal attitude towards the working classes. The truth is these people are far removed from the sufferings and the miseries of the low paid and the unemployed. The left wing, which includes useless unions like UNITE, have now evolved into deceptive double speaking groups of fraudsters who are in clandestine collusion with the Labour party. The word dichotomy could be used to explain the cunning deceptive relationship these far left wing groups and unions have with each other. But the biggest subterfuge they inflict onto the unsuspecting public is the dichotomous relationship they all share with the Labour party. Their guru favoured union and left wing leaders operate from ivory towers from which they periodically emerge to be ferried around the country in chauffeur-driven cars and first class carriages on intercity trains to venues where they speak from the privileged top table in packed halls to middle class public sector workers who are terrified of losing their self-created well-paid jobs and fat pensions. Scattered amongst these public sector parasites are the real working class poor who have no voice and are conveniently ignored by these left wing hypocrites. The far left wing in this country is as far removed from the working classes as is the Labour party and the Tories. The Tories still think that copious amounts of the working classes love to drink beer and play bingo. This is why they deducted one penny from the price of beer and lowered the tax on Bingo in their last toy town budget in which they tried to make that which was even beyond miniscule look far greater. The Tories recently highlighted their image of the working classes in the pro-Tory newspaper the Daily Mail with the headlines, quote: Strap on your clogs and grab your whippets: Spoof ads mock Tories pitch to working class voters after claiming cheap bingo and beer is what they enjoy. There is a link to this article at the bottom of this post. The stark reality is the middle class bourgeoisie, as Marx called them, who coexist within the Labour party and amongst the far left think the same way as the Tories do when it comes to the issue of pleasing the working classes or, as Marx would call us, the proletariat, just throw us a bottle of beer and a cheap bingo ticket and we will retreat to be seen no more. A plethora of left wing parties in the UK As well as the Communist Party there is a plethora of left wing parties that exist within the UK, the most prominent amongst them being the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). All of these parties have allegiances with the unions, especially the union Unite, which is the biggest union in the UK and Europe. The people at the top of the SWP and their trusted acolytes, as well as being rabid sectarians, are utter control freaks who act like sentinels watching over and running everything that takes place within this dictatorial party. These favoured high ranking members either work for the SWP or have secured, with the help of their friends within the corrupt unions, well-paid jobs for themselves in the public sector. Of course these public sector jobs are paid for by hard working people like us who toil in the private sector. In effect these people are public sector parasites busily creating useless unnecessary jobs to employ themselves in. You will also find them working for housing associations where they, just like local government council officers, have further honed their skills as modern day oppressors who are expert at imposing central governments agendas onto their largely unsuspecting tenants. They treat their tenants like second class citizens and faithfully follow the dictates of central and local government agencies, who make the tenants lives a misery. These housing associations have local government elected members (in Merseyside’s case Labour councillors) sitting on all their boards who in turn surreptitiously impose onto these housing associations with pledges of doing favours for them, the dictates of the Labour party and one of those dictates includes the systematic rehousing of as many European and sub-continent immigrants as possible, even if it means forcing the poor indigenous population (when I use the word indigenous I also include the ethnic minorities who have lived in this country for many years as being indigenous) into the more expensive private sector rented properties, or into homelessness. This practice is being further heightened by the massive repossession and evictions of the unemployed and disabled tenant’s from the social housing stock through the introduction of the Bedroom Tax. Why are they doing this, you may ask? One of the main reasons for systematically rehousing immigrants from Europe and the sub-continents in cheaper social housing could be that the three major parties want to get their votes, especially concerning the proposed referendum on whether to stay or leave the European Union. This referendum won’t take place anyway if the Labour party win the next general election and even if it does take place hundreds of millions of pounds will be spent on encouraging the immigrants to vote yes and to further promote the stay in Europe campaign. You can bet that the leave Europe campaign will be run on a shoestring budget. As previously mentioned, the Tories are letting in as many EU workers as possible to get their votes and the Labour party, when last in power, let in as many sub-continent immigrants (Pakistan, India and Africa) as possible to get their votes. This is further proof that the three major parties and the European Commission are working in collusion with each other when it come destabilising the indigenous population through mass immigration. This mass immigration is now taking part in all European Union countries to achieve the same result. So, as you can see, it is not the immigrants fault, (even though what is taking place is to their advantage) they are being used in a massive chess game of lies and deception primarily as voting fodder. So, the people who continually keep blaming the immigrants, just stop and try to understand what is going on here they, the far left wing, the Labour party and the present Tories Lib Dem government want you to blame the immigrants because it further enables them to deflect any serious debate concerning the issue of mass immigration by labelling anyone who mentions the issue of immigration a racist. Of course they further get away with this behaviour because the British people have been brainwashed by the pro-left wing media, especially the BBC, into subconsciously accepting political correct thinking as the norm, especially when it comes to the issue of mass immigration. The far left wing and the Labour party have become quite adept at levelling the racist smear against people who are genuinely concerned about the country becoming overcrowded through mass immigration. These issues have nothing to do with racism and further prove that the Labour party, the Tories and the Lib Dem government are using the immigration issue as yet another tool to silence and socially control the British people, whilst they destroy our country’s culture and distort our history to fulfil their obsession of staying in the European Union. You will also find these SWP members working in the oppressive Jobcentres alongside the very people who are further pauperising the unfortunate unemployed and disabled by stopping their meagre benefits through the use of the repressive benefit sanctions thus pivoting these already pauperised people into sheer destitution. These left wing parasites are also working for the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCSU), the union that represents the Jobcentre staff who are sanctioning the poor. You don’t have to be a political genius to see the hypocrisy of these people? Most of these left wing hypocrites are homeowners with fat pensions to look forward to when they retire from their self-created cushy number public sector jobs. They claim to follow the teaching of the out-dated historically outmoded Communist Manifesto in which Carl Marks decries owning property. As previously mentioned some of them work for the unions, especially the union Unite, and as previously stated the PCS union who’s (as already stated) heartless members are sanctioning and thus starving the poor. The PCS union is situated in the same Liverpool city centre building as the union Unite, which incidentally, is owned by the same super-rich union Unite. This building is named after Jack Jones. Jack Jones would turn in his grave if he knew what these people where up to today. Many of these far left wing hypocrites, especially the dinosaurs from the days of the Militant Tendency are constant visitors to the Jack Jones building where they collude with the union officials who reside there. The worst of these hypocrites are involved with local government working at middle management council officer level in council administrations, especially across the north of England. They are also present in White Hall amongst the clever devious central government civil servants. One thing all of these people have in common with each other is, as well as self-preservation, they know how to discredit, lie, demonise and dehumanise people who can expose the way they operate. In reality it was the Labour party and these public sector parasites that helped bankrupt the country by creating one of the most bloated public sectors in Europe. When Labour was last in power these left wing parasites flooded the public sector on Merseyside with highly paid useless far left wing administrators and consultants. These consultants paid themselves copious sums of £300 to £500 per day for doing nothing of any real significance. This was done under the veiled guise of “regeneration” in which they falsely claimed they would regenerate our socially deprived communities and lift the poor out of their poverty when in reality their real aim was to demolish the existing social housing stock within these communities and to replace that stock with as many new builds for sale as possible. Of course the poor could not afford to buy these houses so they were scattered to the depressing outlying areas of Liverpool whilst the lower middle classes moved into their now completely changed communities. What happened can only be described as social cleansing. They did build some social housing amongst these new builds but not enough to rehouse the poor. Not content with above madness the Labour party further debilitated small businessman in the private sector with safety officer madness where we had the situation of public sector safety officers driving all around the country like KGB agents fining small businesses thousands of pounds for not complying with their crazy over the top safety standards madness. To further help fund these safety officers’ small businessmen had to pay hundreds of pounds to attend useless courses to learn what they already knew. One thing is for certain; these far left wing hypocrites despise their own country and everyone who lives in Great Britain, except for those brainwashed automatons who agree with them. They align themselves with the poor and the ethnic minorities because they can use their misfortunes and misery to further promote their deceptive left wing political aims and agendas. They also try to give the impression that they, just like the Labour party, are the rear guard that is fighting for the rights of the working class poor, when in reality they care nothing about the poor or the socially excluded. This can be given further authentication by the union Unites useless Trade Union Councils (TUC) who have failed to do anything of any real significance concerning the abolition of the Bedroom Tax and the benefit sanctions. In reality the Trade Union Councils are acting as a neutralising force to stop any real working class protest movement from forming in the poor communities. It is even more obvious now even to the most casual observer that the union Unite are in collusion with the Labour party and the Labour party are in collusion with the Tories concerning the total eradication of social housing and the welfare state as we know it. The Labour party and the Tories are obsessed with home ownership mainly for social engineering reasons; this is why they want to destroy social housing and force people who want to rent into buying houses that will take thirty years to pay for. This is why social housing rents are rising at a phenomenal speed. Soon social housing rents will cost more than a mortgage. They claim they are building more houses to help improve our economy, but the vast majority of these houses are for sale not for rent. The Tories and the Labour party need to focus more on creating more heavy industry rather than promoting the misconception that building new houses will pull the country out of the present economic mire. If we stopped flooding the country with EU and sub-continent immigrants we wouldn’t need to build hundreds of thousands of new houses. The main aim of the far left wing and Unite the union is to perpetuate the long term existence of the Labour party and to further their own repressive political agendas to create a world that they can control completely because, even though they falsely claim to uphold democracy, they promote despotism, tyranny and misery. This is also present in today’s Labour party and flourishes practically unseen amongst Labour’s careerist MP’s and local government elected members. Again, the far left wing and the union Unite don’t care about the working class poor who are suffering in this country today. Is all these people care about is stopping the Tories from cutting the funding that pays for their useless public sector jobs. The union UNITE and the rest of the unions who represent these public sector parasites care only about helping them not the poor. The useless “People’s Assembly,” which was created by the far left wing and the unions, exists solely, not to represent the poor, but to help these public sector parasites to keep their useless jobs and fat pensions. George Orwell saw the far left wing for they really were through his experiences when fighting against Franco in the Spanish civil war. Orwell wrote about his experience in his book A Homage to Catalonia. As a result of this experience he wrote his most famous books 1984 and Animal Farm, both of which give us an insight into what the world would be like if it was controlled by the far left wing. As loved as George Orwell was and still is by the British people, the SWP and the Communist party hate him because he, through his experiences with and of the above, proved through sheer empiricism that the far left are in reality maligning deceivers who have no conception or appreciation of justified truth or humane rights. These so-called scientific socialists think that they and they alone have access to the truth of reality and that the rest of us are in effect mentally ill. They further promote this deception by quoting from books like the Authoritarian Personality and the Dialectic of Enlightenment. Both of these impossible to understand books were written by Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer both of whom were members of the Frankfurt School of thought. Who amongst the cowardly political Intelligentsia will summon up the courage to expose these people for what they really are? George Orwell said: “In the long run a harmful truth is better than a useful lie. The unfortunate truth is: The unions, the Labour party and the plethora of far left wing parties have deserted the working classes of this country and foisted onto the British people political correct thinking using the BBC and other left wing media sources as conduits to promote this insidious mind set, which in turn has silenced the UK population and blinded them to the truth of what is taking place before their very eyes, in this country and right across Europe. This evil political correct thinking has permeated every facet of our political establishment, Tory Labour and the declining Liberal Democrats. This is social engineering in its most insidious form.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 01:56:43 +0000

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