An excerpt from the novel im writing what do you think? Upon - TopicsExpress


An excerpt from the novel im writing what do you think? Upon further research he found a someones blog. Post 1 4/12/05 Posted 4/12/05 at 9 pm You may think that this slender sh*t isnt real, well it is. It all began when I fell asleep reading creepypastas, I wasnt scared of any of the stories they werent that bad, I am not usually scared about anything. I love horror stories even though they arent scary to me but theyre interesting. Post 2 4/14/05 Posted 4/14/05 at 10pm Today was a normal day...for the most part. I fed and walked my dog Five Miles, I named him that because I wanted to tell people I walk five miles each day. After I walked my dog I went to the grocery store, I came home two hours later to find a gruesome sight. I unlocked my door and to my astonishment my dog lay cut open with organs lying about. The operator symbol was painted on my walls in blood. It was the symbol of slender. Post 3 4/15/05 Posted 5/16/07 Things start to get scary. Knocks on the door in the middle of the night. I didnt have a peep hole so I decided to use a knife to make one in the door,I dont know what I was thinking but all this slender crap was creeping me out so I decided that I didnt want to open the door unless I knew who it was. I hacked at the door with a chefs knife until I had a large enough hole to peek through. When I withdrew the knife it was red with blood. I didnt understand, I peeked through the door but saw nothing just black with red. It looked as if someone put a bloody black shirt over my door. I decided to take a risk and I opened the door, when I opened the door I jumped in fear. On the door was a small child, he couldnt have been older than five years old. Then I noticed thats why the knife was red, in the process of hacking through the door I stabbed the child mounted on the door. I inspected it more closely, the childs mouth had blood dripping from it. There was a operator symbol... painted on his chest with blood looking like what was painted on my walls after it killed five miles. I didnt want to be caught with a dead child on my doors so I decided to take it off my door, I almost puked in the process. He was suspended on my door with a nail that was driven through his shirt. Once I dropped him inside I went and got bleach, Ive watched enough crime shows to know that you clean blood up with bleach. I soaked a rag in the bleach I started scrubbing, soon the blood was not visible. I went inside and stashed the dead child inside my basement and closed the door then locked it. I went back upstairs and on my laptop was a sticky note white face and no eyes means that now you can not hide freaked out from this note I quickly barricaded my door with some chairs, my table, a dresser and a grandfather clock. I soon noticed that barricading my door wouldnt help much. I saw a tall man he must have been about 9 feet tall, he went through the door and all of the barricading levitating only a few inches off the ground. He slowly started towards me I backed up knowing that it wouldnt help it would only delay the pain. The last thing I saw was him drifting towards me thousands of black tentacles protruding from his back all looking sharp as a knife. He was wearing a tuxedo and he had no face it was just white nothing but white, no nose no mouth. It was as if he telepathically whispered to me You cant escape. I felt a sharp pain in my neck and everything faded to black. I slowly awoke my eyes blinded from a very bright light. I tried to get up but i couldnt I was shackled to a bed, I looked around I was in a hospital but it seemed almost abandoned. A doctor walked into my room and started talking Your lucky that you didnt bleed out, your neighbors called the cops because they heard screaming from your house. The part that is unlucky is the fact that you were sent here, this is no ordinary hospital you know. Im going to take your organs and sell them on the black market he chuckled. I then noticed that he had a needle with liquid in it, he squirted some of the liquid in the air and then injected me with the liquid in the needle. Back to darkness,I swear if this happens one more time... I awoke sirens were blaring and the doctor was in handcuffs and men in riot shields were in the room, my stomach was open and exposed and then I fainted. I awoke to a beeping noise, I felt fine there was a heart rate monitor was next to me there were several tubes hooked up to me flowing with a yellow colored fluid flowing through them. This time a doctor came in and he didnt have a face mask on. I knew that I was in a different hospital, this doctor started talking he had a british accent You were saved by our expert surgeons, we had to give you a kidney transplant you were missing one. I can understand losing your car keys but not so much a kidney. this made me laugh but when I laughed it hurt. Anyway your lucky you survived, you have many cuts all over that were obviously self inflicted. Once you recover you will be sent to st. Marys hospital for the mentally insane. Upon examination you seem to have Schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder. he then left the room I lay there for the next hour or so bored and lonely, I soon became tired and I fell asleep. For what felt like several years I sat in the room alone except when the nurses came in occasionally to change my bedpan, I was transported in to a new place with white walls that looked like pillows. After a few weeks they trusted me enough to have a pencil and a piece of paper, as I sit here writing this I think back, I wonder what really happened, I wonder if my mind distorted all the events that happened maybe I really was insane. Maybe... Seth finished reading and was astonished. At the bottom of the page was a footnote saying that the last post was by a staff member at St. Marys hospital for the mentally insane. After that was a small box of writing The anonymous user of this blog was pronounced dead a day after he wrote this, cause of death is undetermined. May he rest in piece
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 02:07:54 +0000

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