An open letter to all those who saying we should boycott Chipotle - TopicsExpress


An open letter to all those who saying we should boycott Chipotle based on what you have read and are outraged about on social media: I have never eaten at Chipotle, but I am going to start going now. Ruining someones business based on rumor and innuendo or, at worst, the actions of one or two employees of a giant corporation is the electronic version of the mob that burned down Ferguson. I am not swearing this article at Snopes is 100 percent accurate or that Chipotle did everything right. But unlike the posts Ive seen on Facebook calling for a boycott, Snopes did some real research and tried to provide facts about what did happen and what didnt happen. And I cant find a thing in this article that makes me angry at Chipotle for how anyone from NYPD was treated by the company. What I do see is a company that had a complaint about an errant employee who acted on their own. They investigated it (including watching security camera video) and took care of the issue. They apologized to NYPD and provided a detailed statement of what happened to anyone who bothered to ask. Again, I cant swear Snopes is 100 percent accurate or that Chipotle didnt make a misstep or two along the way, but read this article and then show me some verified information from a credible source that confirms something different happened. Any business cant control the actions of all its employees 100 percent of the time. The best they can do is make the best effort at hiring someone good, train them well and react responsibly when that employee screws up. Our willingness to become outraged by taking at face value what we read on the Internet and social media is a bigger threat to our way of life than almost any of the hot button issues that the political extremists on all sides send our way each day. We have long been a woefully misinformed nation and are getting so much worse by the minute because of this stuff. We all seem to be so willing to believe and act on whatever crap we see go by on our screens that fits our own political agenda. Its all emotion. There is very little questioning or critical thinking involved. This is why the electorate is so easily manipulated by political ads from all sides that are simply based on fear and loathing. We are doomed as a society until we all develop a healthy dose of skepticism about all of this so called news. And this includes what Ive posted here.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:01:41 +0000

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