And dont say both sides do it. Democrats dont have anything like - TopicsExpress


And dont say both sides do it. Democrats dont have anything like CPAC and we dont embrace sickening and unqualified individuals like Sara Palin, Ted Nugent, and Donald Trump. And I have to wonder where the outrage was when we found out that Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfield, Condoleezza Rice and Bush lied to us about WMDs in Iraq, (AND IN FACT BUSH JOKED ABOUT IT AT A WASHINGTON DINNER). And we know the real reason we invaded a sovereign country was so its supply of oil could be better delivered to the world market to drive the price down. so hows that working for you? We are drilling more in the US now than at any time in history yet the price of gasoline is still at record levels. So drill baby drill has proved to be a failed policy. Big surprise. And no matter how much we drill here, it doesnt necessarily stay here. Its sold by Wall street at prices they set. And how much longer do we have to put up with Rs and conservative commentators mentioning Nazis or the Gestapo? Over the past 5 years we have seen borderline treasonous behavior on the part of Washington Rs and tea party radicals sent there with the specific mission of subverting our government and then blaming it on Obama. And outright racism from the tea party. And if you have a problem with Obama doing Between the Ferns where was your outrage when Bush was on deal or no deal or Reagan when he was on the Bob Hope show, or Nixon on Laugh in? Or how about when McCain and Palin showed up on SNL. Its called hypocrisy, folks.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 02:10:03 +0000

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