And people wonder why healthcare in america cost so much? I posted - TopicsExpress


And people wonder why healthcare in america cost so much? I posted a previous article about how insurance companies and hospitals reimburse their executives at astronomical amounts. Id also like to add how inefficiency of insurance companies adds to costs as well. This morning while trying to obtain a prior authorization for a patient so they could get their medicine I was on the phone with UNITED HEALTHCARE for OVER 40 MINUTES. I was transferred to four different divisions within this company trying to get a patient authorization their medicine. Unfortunately this is not unusual either and not exclusive to this insurance company. IT IS TIME FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT. I SAY DEVELOP A DIRECT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PHYSICIANS AND THEIR PATIENTS AND AXE THE RED TAPE (I.E., INSURANCE COMPANIES) THAT COST TOO MUCH AND ARE A BURDEN TO THE SYSTEM. GET RID OF INSURANCE COMPANIES ALL TOGETHER AND PUT DOCTORS AND PATIENTS BACK IN CONTROL OF THEIR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION. Sincerely, One Tired and Frustrated Physician Who Knows Gluttony and Efficiency When She Sees It.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 13:40:17 +0000

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