And then someone ask you to be the pastor of their church. The - TopicsExpress


And then someone ask you to be the pastor of their church. The church was so bad off and falling down, that the officials were going to shut it down and sell the property. So you take on this task of pastoring the only non Pentecostal church in the community. Your disliked for that Very reason. You only have 3 members and theyre all sisters and over 80. You labor in that church for 8 years...see lives dramatically changed. Give people everything youve got and then some. Watch God do mighty things in their lives. You no support from officials. He cant even get off his fat ass and drive over the mountain to see how youre doing in your first pastoral job. 8 years you give them. When you leave to provide a better future for your children, then comes the gavel and your pronounced a traitor and a crook. You bring your best friend up to renovate the place and renovate he did. He took a pile of garbage and made into something that people could be proud of...but it cost a little money to do it. And for that Im a villain. Ive been gone since 09. Havent heard one thing from the pastor that took over. Not a thank you for leaving him a group of people that he could build around and a building that is not an embarrassment, not an invitation to come back...nothing!!!! Not one Damn word. Where is Christ in that. And then there are all the people whom I gone to church with before who USED to be my friends on FB, but have since deleted me because Im not holy enough anymore, or the groups that have kicked me out for being at their level. its funny all these words you had for me from God about my lack of character, but HE never once mentioned to you that I had a billion concussions and didnt really understand what was going on. And just for your info...I am HOLY, because JESUS makes me holy, its because of what He did, its not about what I do. So if I ruin my witness, then I ruin far as Im concerned, youve all lost yours You wanna know who I really am? Youre looking at it!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 18:21:27 +0000

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