Angel Hue 20 minutes ago · Edited The world is so very sad - TopicsExpress


Angel Hue 20 minutes ago · Edited The world is so very sad today. It has felt dark and heavy. Today I have been to a funeral for a sweet ones grandmother. I have grieved with my community as one of their own did not come home. I grieve with another family who is facing loss through unfathomable circumstances. I am only on the periphery of these events. There are several degrees of separation, I am removed but still touched. Granted, these are daily happenings. There is death and destruction everyday. Mans inhumanity to man is only a breath away from any of us at any time. This last couple of weeks its touched my world a little closer, so I pause and reflect and continue to work to find the Good. Our world is constantly becoming smaller. Images from across the world from lands well never see, are everywhere present. We are witness to unspeakable acts of violence and hate. The opportunity to live in fear is seems to grow ever stronger. More and more of us seem to believe the only way to live in this world is through being sufficiently armed. We arm our children. We teach them to be afraid of people who look different, speak differently, worship differently from us. The land of the Free and the Home of the Brave seems somehow not so free or brave. We are afraid. We are bitter. We feel helpless. It takes greater effort and more conscious Intention to stay above the fray. Still...the world is no less violent than it ever has been. Any historian can easily point us in the direction of the evils we have perpetrated The Crusades, or the countless wars fought throughout history. There have long been beheadings, crucifixions, and stonings. Political assassinations are not new. We are a violent species. We just read about it in books. It concerned people a world away. It did not affect us. Now it does. Still, I believe in humankind. As dark as this day is, there is infinitely more Light. The Light of Faith and Hope have shone brightly in hundreds of people here in Little Rock as they worked to combat their greatest fear. The Light of Faith and Hope will continue to shine as those who grieve, work to put their life back together. The Light of Faith and Hope will shine brighter as we reach out to one another. Hope grows stronger as we find what we have in common and remember that all most of us want is to feel loved, to matter. I believe that we are better than we appear. I believe that there is truly a new Consciousness on the rise. I believe that the Heart of Humankind will open to the Light. I believe in Angels. I believe in me. I believe in you. We can do this. Angels All Around. Much Love, Cheryl
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 23:54:57 +0000

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