Announcement 2014 James Lockhart Democrat - TopicsExpress


Announcement 2014 James Lockhart Democrat For State Representative in 2014 Several of my friends have asked me why I ran for office, its pretty safe to say I have never been a member of the high society crowd. I ran for office because oftentimes average citizens are not the primary focus of elected officials. I know what that is like, to need help and be ignored. My neighbors, friends and relatives live in LeFlore County. It is where I choose to raise my family. I ran for office because I care about our communities and the people in them. I worked side by side with many volunteers cleaning mud and debris out of flooded houses after southern parts of LeFlore County flooded in 2013. I fought hard for our citizens this past winter when propane went to over $5 a gallon. I worked with our congressman to get Shady Lane Campground reopened. If you have an issue, I have an issue. As your State Representative, I have fought to protect our public schools here in LeFlore County. I believe every child is entitled to an education that gives them a fair shot at life. A quality education is the ladder to a better life for most people. Whether someone goes to college or to career tech, its all about getting a better paying job. Economic development and education go hand in hand, you cant have one without the other. I have fought for better roads and bridges in LeFlore County. I am the ranking minority member on the Transportation Appropriation and Budget Committee. Through my committee work, collaboration with city leaders from Poteau, Pocola and officials from ODOT, portions of highway 112 are scheduled for improvements so it can better accommodate the thousands of daily commuters. As our economy continues to grow, our roads will require expansion to accommodate increased traffic. I have fought to protect our water rights. I DO NOT SUPPORT SELLING WATER TO TEXAS OR TRANSPORTING IT TO ANOTHER PART OF THE STATE. I coauthored Senate Bill 965 which will give southeast Oklahoma a member on the Oklahoma Water Resources board in 2016. I also placed an amendment on House Bill 3055 which gave each congressional district in Oklahoma representation on the Water for 2060 advisory council. I have fought for a budget that does not mortgage our childrens future. This past session a bond for over 100 million dollars was passed. I voted against this bond because my teenage daughter will be in her late twenties or early thirties when that bond is paid off. Why should tax payers be asked to pay interest on a bond when the states rainy day fund has over half a billion dollars in it? I have authored legislation that rewards work, not welfare. I authored legislation to make overtime wages tax free, freeze college tuition and lower the late fees on car tags. I fundamentally believe the legislature should enact policies that reward those who work the hardest. These bills I mentioned would have allowed working families to keep a little more of their hard earned money. I believe in a standard of living that allows people to retire with a sense of dignity and not have to start another career in order to survive. Hard working families, including many veterans, are being forced to choose between buying fuel, food or medicine each month and that needs to change. I serve on the Long Term Care and Senior Services Committee, and I will continue to fight for senior citizens. I have never asked someone which party they belong to when they called my office and asked for help. I have always believed that after the election, the politics need to stop, too many politicians govern from election cycle to election cycle, while too many citizens are living paycheck to paycheck. The best interests of the citizens of LeFlore County will ALWAYS be the focus of my work. I would appreciate your vote on November 4th. Thank You and God Bless! James Lockhart (918) 653-7571 home lockhart4staterep@gmail
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 22:40:19 +0000

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