Anonymous: My fiancee started smoking spice when he was - TopicsExpress


Anonymous: My fiancee started smoking spice when he was released from prison last year. He became very addicted to it. It took over his life, he looked terrible, he didnt act like the person he used to be. He would smoke it, pass out for 20 to 30 min or sit there unable to speak or comprehend, couldnt eat unless high, and couldnt sleep for more than 2 hours without waking up smoking more and passing back out. He became very distant, cold, and mean. When he would drink and smoke he turned downright evil, causing fights with anyone around and tormenting others while laughing about it. He never went without it, even became a dealer to support his habit and careless lifestyle that came along with being in the spice crowd. His life went downhill because of spice, how were still together is truly a test of devotion and true love after what he put me thru. He made it thru 6 months of parole and had a year probation to do. Last October he was arrested for Resisting Law Enforcement and the police confiscated 2 ounces of spice. Then he was hit with a Petition To Revoke Suspended Sentence warrant from probation because he couldnt get outta bed or care enough to even show up at his 1st hearing on the Resisting charge. He had 2 warrants by mid November and didnt want to go back til January so I hid him out and acted like we broke up and he moved. He did NOTHING except sit in our bedroom and get high, and by December he was intolerable to be around anymore. He started being violent towards me in every way. One night I fell asleep on the couch and I was woke up at 3am to him hallucinating. He started beating me senseless, knocked me out with a glass ashtray, and held me and my roommates hostage for over an hour while I almost bled to death. He kept calling me by another name and he tried to strangle me with a belt. My roommate got out and called 911 they came he was taken into custody for Felony Domestic Violence and I was taken to the hospital. I talked to him the next day and he couldnt remember anything. He was in lockdown for being violent with the guards and they thought he would hurt someone. He went into withdrawals in jail, vomiting, back spasms, seizures, memory loss, diarrhea, migraine headaches, and he had a mild heart attack. The only symptom he is not experiencing now is diarrhea and its been almost 3 months. His attitude is improving some. He says he will never touch spice again. Idk if I can believe that or not, where I live spice is an epidemic seems like everyone is doing it and ruining their lives. Spice ruined my life and I Dont even smoke it.....
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 15:00:02 +0000

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