Another Saturday evening and it is time for the The conclusion of - TopicsExpress


Another Saturday evening and it is time for the The conclusion of the matter. Our question of the week was: What does it mean to be Born Again. As The scriptures I shared during the week were in part explanatory. The video I placed last night by Myles Monroe was in more detail. Because our blood line was contaminated through inheritance from our (many times removed) grrandfather Adam, we, at our first birth were born into sin. Our spirit man was disconnected from The Holy Spirit of God. We were all born with a death sentence,(Ro. 3:23) because (Ro. 6:28) the wages of sin is death. There was no particular name of our sin, nor any knowledge. It was not sins plural but sin singular. We all had a sin problem, not of our own making. Jesus did not come through Adams line but was conceived by the Holy Spirit. (Matt: 1: 18 - 25; Luke 1:26 -35). That was called a immaculate conception because no human was involved. The same thing happens to us when we confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts (Ro 10:9-10) that God raised Jesus from the dead, and we call on Him to save us. (Ro. 10:13). We are then come upon by The Holy Spirit, (1Cor 12:13) and we are begotten of God, made alive with new hope (1Peter1:3). Our spirit is made alive (Ephesians 2:1-10). Now we can communicate with God! We are his Born Again Children. We are new in Christ. Old things are passed away and all things are made new. We are no longer born of the flesh but of the blood of Jesus. We have his DNA(Divine, Nature and Anointing). Now we need to walk in it. One part of us is Brand New, but there remains another two parts that have to be either changed (R0 12:1 - 3) , which is our minds,(2 Corinthians:5) or have a need to be conformed into our original likeness before the fall of man. We do this by studying the word DILIGENTLY: (Heb 11:6) Being also doers of the word you study! Hope this is clear! You must be Born Again! (John 3:3 - 5) Thanks again. Our question for next time: From what has the believer been saved? Til next time, any questions, IN BOX ME! NO PROBLEM! Stay in His care! Elder Margie
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 00:10:52 +0000

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