Anyone knows teachers in Early Childhood Education, and who would - TopicsExpress


Anyone knows teachers in Early Childhood Education, and who would like to participate in the following? Pls let Janice Tan know! Urgent! Tks. :-) ------- RESEARCHERS NOTE Hi, Im Janice and Im currently doing my Bachelor in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) with the University of Warwick. I am conducting my final year research on teacher retention and would like to invite you to participate in a possibly, life-changing, difference-making, advocacy-motivated experience. My research question is: To what extent do centre leaders in Singapore preschools affect teacher retention and what other factors influence this? Basically, I aim to find out what factors influence a teachers decision to stay in, or to leave the preschool industry. I hope that through this research, your voices can be heard more clearly. You, who work with the nations children continually, passionately and professionally. While I will not be able to guarantee that the results from this research will influence the ECCE scene in any world-changing manner, during this short span of time; I do promise that I will endeavour to present the results of this research in the most authentic manner possible - where your authentic views and opinions are represented. Thus, I invite you to help make a difference, by consenting to participate in the following over a one month period in March 2014: 1. One focus group (2-3 hours) 2. One questionnaire (online, soft copy or hard copy) 3. One semi-structured interview (not every participant will be needed for part 3, you will be specifically invited) Effectively, there may be at most 2 meet-ups (2-3 hours each time), or only 1 meet up (2-3 hours) over this one month period. Prior to commencing this research, the University requires all researchers to submit their research for ethical approval, and my research process as briefly described above, has been approved. In addition, every effort will be made to maintain your confidentiality. No information disclosed during the course of this research till its final submission will be divulged to anyone - other than my research supervisors and mentor. Only the other focus group participants will have brief knowledge of your opinions during the focus group discussion. If information you have given or opinions you have presented to me are to be used in my research reports, a pseudonym will be used in place of your real name to protect your identity. If you agree to participate, please complete the consent form attached. COPY OF CONSENT FORM (will be given/emailed/mailed upon request) I agree to participate in this research entitled, To what extent do centre leaders in Singapore preschools affect teacher retention and what other factors influence this?, conducted by Janice Tan, Bachelor in Early Childhood Care and Education, with the University of Warwick. I understand that my participation is entirely voluntary; and that I can withdraw at anytime, and are also entitled to withdraw the results of my individual participation. A) This research aims to find out whether centre leaders affect teacher retention in preschools, and to what extent it affects teachers decisions to stay. It also aims to find out what other factors contribute to teacher retention so that the authentic voices of the preschool teachers represented, may help bridge the gap between the lack of preschool teachers and the necessity for their retention. The results of which, will eventually improve the quality of life and work of preschool teachers and that of our preschoolers, as well as the other stakeholders in the industry. B) Your participation will be needed over a period of up to a month, with 1, or at most 2 meet-ups. It will be in the form of: 1. One focus group (2-3 hours) 2. One questionnaire (online, soft copy or hard copy) 3. One semi-structured interview (2-3 hours; not every participant will be needed for part 3, you will be specifically invited) C) The results of your participation will be kept confidential. The focus group and semi-structured interviews will be audio recorded for the purpose of authentic transcription and representation. Your words may be quoted. However, no information or opinion rendered will be presented as individually identifiable, nor will it be disclosed to anyone except the researchers research supervisors and mentor. To further protect your identity, a pseudonym (in place of your name) will be used to represent any information given in the research reports, unless otherwise required by law. D) Should you have further questions regarding this research, the researcher can be contacted at 9168 4536 or tll.janice@gmail. Thank you. I look forward to working with you. Participants Name: Participants Signature: Participants Contact No: Date: Researchers Name: Janice Tan Researchers Signature:
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 06:50:10 +0000

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