Apparently we are in a rare window of time where multiple points - TopicsExpress


Apparently we are in a rare window of time where multiple points of space/time naturally intersect every 26,000 years. These events are called Solar Activation Cycles (SACs), and the one we are in will peak and end in the year 2017. SACs are important because we have the ability to redefine past timelines, as well as the probable future timeline we experience, by aligning our vibration a desired outcome through directed and focused intent. For most beings in the universe time is experienced simultaneously, and all past and present events are determined through the power of the present moment. In 3D, time is experienced in a linear form so that we can have a physical/limited experience, and rather than experience all time at once, we can only experience one point of space/time while in a physical state, although bilocation is possible. During a SAC we are aligned with the galactic core, and normal limitations of space time are not as restricted because physical and etheric space/time reality point are more closely aligned, so this is why many of us noticing our thoughts manifesting instantly over the last 12 months. On the current timeline earth is on, this planet will rise in vibration, but it will be under an artificial frequency fence which has basically enslaved the entire population of what is now the planet Tara in 5D. This is due to timeline manipulation of fallen angelic intruder groups who have chosen conquest of earth instead of unity consciousness, and also due to the majority of today’s population who is accepting this reality of control based systems, and was basically asleep at the wheel when the frequency fence was installed by Fallen Angelic Intruders a few years ago. Whats happening right now if a big deal but cause we have multiple groups participating in timeline wars to control how earth will ascend (as a free world, or as a part of an empire run by a group called the Draconians). Apparently earth is a very special planet with incredible abilities to bring forth new forms of life, and also travel in space time. Original human angelic 12 strand dna is the activation code which keeps earth from falling into the control of fallen angelics, who don’t have a full 12 stand dna sequence because they have cut themselves off from love/source. All the fear in the news, slave jobs, poor schools, pollution, poor food, war, etc, is all designed to influence and manipulate worldwide human collective vibration/consciousness so that the earth will ascend on a fear vibration controlled by fallen angelic intruders (dracos, greys, etc.) and disconnected from Source. They need humanity in tact so that they can use its 12 strand dna codes to activate natural stargates on the earth’s surface, which will allow the planet to become a multidimensional, multiuniversal transportation hub for and conquest and expansion of a phantom reality empire. Many beings have incarnated right now from light and dark sides (and some from even higher levels), to influence the vibration of the planet in hopes of positioning it for a more positive or negative probably future. One where earth is food and fuel for conquest, or timeline where humanity is free, and this planet becomes a powerful center for universal healing for many species in this universe (including many fallen angelics). We also have many souls incarnating so that they can resolve their karma and ascend into 5d, where all time is instant, and there is no karma, only immediate cause/effect. In 2017, earth will be split into two timelines. One will be an ascension timeline, and the other will be a phantom timeline under the control of Fallen Angelic Intruder Groups. Since earth has been artificially kept from ascending for a long time (holding up other civilizations from evolving), higher intelligences have mandated that there must be an ascending graduating class for this SAC. So in 2017, about 15% of the population will be on an independent ascension timeline with the opportunity to choose personal and planetary freedom. The key is to activate the average human dna level to 4.5 strands or higher by 2017. This is done through expansion of consciousness, healing past traumas, embodying the heart, connecting with nature, being a total human, and sometimes through DNA activations and healings under the guidance of our higher selves. Right now most people only have 2 strands active, and they are locked in lower level chakra existence. Indigos can activate up to 24-48 strands, and chose to risk being trapped in karmic incarnation to help raise the average earth dna activation level. Humanity was originally the guardian species for this planet, and it most important moment is upon us. Once the earth is conquered and its star gates controlled, humanity will be exterminated, and a great opportunity for healing will be lost for all time. That’s what ascension is about right now. Please use this information for your own benefit, and discard what does not resonate with you. No matter what, each human is beautiful and powerful and capable of incredible love. So, best wishes with your free will choices.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 04:37:24 +0000

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