Apropos of nothing in particular , How beastly the bourgeois is by - TopicsExpress


Apropos of nothing in particular , How beastly the bourgeois is by D H Lawrence How beastly the bourgeois is especially the male of the species-- Presentable, eminently presentable-- shall I make you a present of him? Isnt he handsome? Isnt he healthy? Isnt he a fine specimen? Doesnt he look the fresh clean Englishman, outside? Isnt it Gods own image? tramping his thirty miles a day after partridges, or a little rubber ball? wouldnt you like to be like that, well off, and quite the thing Oh, but wait! Let him meet a new emotion, let him be faced with another mans need, let him come home to a bit of moral difficulty, let life face him with a new demand on his understanding and then watch him go soggy, like a wet meringue. Watch him turn into a mess, either a fool or a bully. Just watch the display of him, confronted with a new demand on his intelligence, a new life-demand. How beastly the bourgeois is especially the male of the species-- Nicely groomed, like a mushroom standing there so sleek and erect and eyeable-- and like a fungus, living on the remains of a bygone life sucking his life out of the dead leaves of greater life than his own. And even so, hes stale, hes been there too long. Touch him, and youll find hes all gone inside just like an old mushroom, all wormy inside, and hollow under a smooth skin and an upright appearance. Full of seething, wormy, hollow feelings rather nasty-- How beastly the bourgeois is! Standing in their thousands, these appearances, in damp England what a pity they cant all be kicked over like sickening toadstools, and left to melt back, swiftly into the soil of England. - D.H. Lawrence
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 17:02:32 +0000

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