Are we blind to accept the truth ? ~ by K.Sharma The fear of - TopicsExpress


Are we blind to accept the truth ? ~ by K.Sharma The fear of the new generation is valid with regard to Muslim invasion of USA and Europe and even the Aussies are reacting and China has already witnessed some debacles with the Ugure. We need to rely on facts and history. However, we must also be careful since, history has often been corrupted with misinformation. On a page which I have subscribed ADL (Australian Defense League against Islam), I was flabbergasted to see a comparison chart of war on the Bibles and Quran. There cant be much differences since the Quran has its offshoot from the Bible, and especially the 1st testament and or the Torah. Its true that on one hand there are Islamic Fundamentalists and Terrorism BUT we fail to admit that on the other hand, there is mass emigration to Italy, UK, France already a near Islamic state ...., Germany with Turkish, Belgium in afew years will become more muezzimised and the many black American converting to Islam. But these are not new. See the details below, I have searched online. India in 30 years will be in trouble. India is more affected since it has two enemies, Christian Missionary sects and Muslims. Christian sects have the project of converting 10,000,000 (10 M) Hindus in 10 years that is 100,000,000 (100 M) as per the project The Christian missionaries are spending millions of dollars by building orphanages and hospitals with the sole intention of converting Hindus to Christianity. The converts do not change their Hindu names but start visiting Churches and getting benefits. I think currently the Christians in India are more than 15% of Indian population. Why the Hindu political parties are ignoring these conversion? In MAURITIUS, its the same thing. Hindus who once represented 51% of the population represents now 46% and Mauritius has had three Racial wars or riots where even if Hindus are in majority, they were the one who suffered (two by Muslims and the last one in 1999, following the death of a seggae singer by those who came from the Black Continent or Africa. They destroyed all the fleet of ambulances and other casualties. Police stations were attacked, the sub-office of the Central Water Authority as well as the Office of the sewage services and a Filing Station in the Central Plateau were burnt, Hindu shops were pillaged and destroyed at Colline Candos, and the worst imaginable thing, they were on the verge of burning one of the biggest hospital. Hopefully, the Special Mobile Force as well as the reaction of Hindus from Solferino have made them think twice. (Photos are available) So, lets see the below figures, Islam was already a dominant force and like Christian invasion, they established the Khilafa and destroyed Temples, burnt books and thru brutal, inhuman massacred forced Hindus to convert. Theres also the problem of caste especially in India whereby Dalits have converted to both Xtianity and islam due to geopolitical, socio-political failures especially created by the British through their divisive philosophy of Divide to Rule While Europe is sleeping, Muslims are now a threat to even Christianity than it is to Hindus. Hindus so long will keep on sleeping like the demon Kumbakaran and divided by place of origin, caste schedule, tribes and superstitions will not expand and will suffer more. “Later generations will take care of what they need to take care of. But in our lifetime, we need to make sure that this Dharma is protected; not only it is protected; it is handed over intact without any damage to the generations to come.... Faced with militant missionaries, Hinduism has to show that its plurality and all-encompassing acceptance are not signs of disparateness or disunity. For that, a collective voice is needed.” -- SWAMI DAYANANDA SARASWATI Three distinct groups in the world today The people of present-day world may be conveniently classified into three distinct groups, each with an inherent special trait of its own, viz. 1) the exclusivist group; 2) the pseudosecular group; and 3) the victimized group comprising of peace loving Hindus of the mighty and majestic Hindu Nation, well known from time immemorial as ‘Bharat’. That glorious name was discarded by the ‘shrewd’ British imperialists in favor of ‘India’, an appellation given by Europeans to our sacred land. The British had stealthily entered our Motherland by the backdoor, as it were, overpowering the centuries-old ‘crude’ Islamic rulers who had played havoc in the country, excelling in wanton desecration and vandalism of our holy places. The British imperialism was, however, ultimately uprooted by the ardent ‘tapasya’ (penance) of the staunch and mighty nationalist forces of the 20th century India, after a long, protracted and sustained struggle of self-sacrifice, resulting in total independence from the tyrannical British rule. Nevertheless, the sad irony is that the ‘modern-day descendents’ of Western imperialism continue to pursue their policies for global dominance, which have the potential for endangering the safety, security and the integrity of our Motherland. If it is not checked effectively and at the earliest, we are bound to be back to square one, once again. In order to prevent it, we have to reenergize ourselves to protect and preserve our great Dharmic mores in the tradition of our Great Monk, Swami Vivekananda. The exclusivist group The exclusivist traditions, comprising the first group, are coercive, ‘proselyto-maniac’ and therefore harp upon the superiority of their revealed faiths. Proclaiming the ‘only one way of salvation, or heaven’, ‘the only one book’, ‘the inerrancy of their book’ and ‘the only one Prophet’ or ‘the only one Saviour’, they want to thrust on others their ‘one way traffic to heaven’! They are intolerant of other ways of seeking God. They are dead set against pluralism. They advocate monoculture. They even compete amongst themselves, and are ever engaged in increasing the sizes of their flocks by hook or crook, to ‘harvest the souls’ of non-believers who are dubbed by them as ‘Heathens’ and ‘Kafirs’. They want to force one creed, one set of dogmas and beliefs down the throats of all. They attempt to destroy different forms of worship, claiming their one way of worship is the only right one. They claim to have obtained from God, exclusive and irrevocable power of attorney to decide for all humans what is good and what is not redemptive for their souls. They create inter-religious wars and massacres, forcing their claims and dogmas on others. They do not give others freedom to think, freedom to believe, freedom to disbelieve and freedom to adopt any form of worship which suits their temperaments. They divide the human race into conflicting armies and camps of Holy Believers and Unholy Non-Believers. As the world history bears ample testimony, they have mercilessly destroyed other religions and cultures that have not subscribed to their theology of ‘one way traffic to heaven’. It is this ‘only one way’ ideology that is inherently evil since it adopts a goal of world domination and is the major cause of today’s worldwide unrest and terrorism both of which are playing havoc with its attendant untold misery on humanity. What the western scholars now call as the “Clash of Civilizations” is the product of this ‘only one way’ religious ideology. The pseudo-secular group The second group comprising of Non-Believers has scant regard for higher values of life, religion or spirituality. Many, being ardent votaries of hedonism, make a virtue of their atheism and rationalism. ‘Make hay while sun shines’ is their only credo and the ultimate goal of life. These are the leftists and the pseudosecularists, some of whom do not even hesitate to act as the fifth columnists and traitors to their own country and culture. Normally, though they have just nuisance value, nevertheless we should be eternally vigilant lest they inflict incalculable damage on the polity and culture of India. Though they may pretend to speak often in the language of their so-called secularism, we invariably find them hobnobbing with the most rabid fundamentalists who are ready to compromise with the safety and security of India. They often wrap themselves in the lingo of so-called ‘human-rights activists’ and yet they act without a trace of humanity or nobility in them. Moreover, in league with the exclusivist group, they appear to be bent upon destroying the Hindu Dharma and the Hindu society, if they can. The victimized group comprising of peace-loving Hindus The peace-loving Hindus, comprising the third group, who are well known for their legendary, ‘soul-killing’ tolerance and complacency, besides their lack of social and political awareness, are quite naturally the victims. They are today facing a multi-pronged attack from the militant segments of the exclusivist faiths and pseudo-secularists. Both must, therefore, be taken seriously. An assertive organizational structure is thus crucially important for us to develop in order to safeguard our Dharma. Our greatest drawback It is unfortunate that we Hindus as a society are greatly diversified and hence are not united. This is our greatest drawback, nay misfortune, and the main cause of all our problems and sufferings, not only in India but also the world over. Thus in spite of our individual strength, we often appear disorganized and weak as a group. The exclusivist faiths naturally consider us as an easy prey, like the sacrificial lamb. Our Dharma is in jeopardy As Hindus, we should realize that the future of our Dharma is in jeopardy as a result of an organized onslaught on it by the exclusivist proselytizers, and the pseudo-secularists who are working vigorously, hand-in-hand, to eliminate Hindu Dharma and the Hindu Samaj (society). A relentless war is being waged against Hindu Dharma by the followers of the militant sects of exclusivist faiths (principally drawn from among Islamic Jehadis and fundamentalist Christians) seeking to convert others into their respective faiths. The realization of that grim eventuality becoming a possibility should awaken every apathetic Hindu. For this, it is essential that an all out continuing and unifying effort is organized by the Hindus in an assertive way so that the impact is visible and effective under a unified consensus leading to the emergence of at least a de-facto leadership structure within the Hindu community. We do not speak with one voice Though all three exclusivist faiths too have their divisions based on doctrinal differences and may not even worship the same God in each other’s places of worship, they have demonstrated their abilities to speak with one voice on issues of sociopolitical importance. For example, the ‘World Council of Churches’, ‘World Council of Islamic Call’ and the ‘World Jewish Congress’ do come together periodically to issue proclamations that affect their respective communities, worldwide. That kind of a united voice has been singularly absent for the Hindu community either in India or its diasporic community permanently settled outside of India. We have too many leaders A community’s interest is doomed when it cannot speak with one voice. Too many people aspire to be our leaders and or the spokespersons, frequently contradicting each other. There are too many Hindu leaders and organizations each claiming to be superior to others. Acceptance of the collective responsibility by a united and wisely selected leadership is the key to success. When such a united Hindu force is visibly present both in India and in other countries where sizeable Indians live, the opponents of Hinduism would realize that their tactics are not worth following since it may eventually hurt their own interests. Ours is a syncretic culture Our Hindu culture is syncretic, and our God is not capricious nor tyrannical, sitting far away in the heaven, beyond the clouds, eternal hell-fire. In tune with the exalted spiritual experience of our saints and sages, we believe that the spiritual paths are many (pluralistic) but God, as the Ultimate Reality, is One and non-dual, with infinite names and forms in His many manifest aspects. He is personal, impersonal and transcendent, all at the same time. In fact, the entire universe is His manifestation, and He may be called by any name you like, and may be worshipped by any path that suites you most. Thus, all worship the same Reality in different names and forms, ultimately merging with the same Source. People of other faiths have to understand this basic spiritual principle of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, if peace and harmony in the world are to be maintained. And, it will not be wrong to say that without this clear understanding of the eternal spiritual principle, by all the three exclusivist faiths, World Peace will ever remain a far cry. Moreover, the so-called interfaith dialogues often indulged in by Westerners will remain a mockery at best. They may even serve as ruses for Westerners to gain converts to exclusivist faiths. Inter-faith dialogues often result in nothing more than a waste of precious time and energy for the participants. ========================================= While Hinduism thus respects all religions and accepts them as true, do other major world religions accept Hinduism as valid, leave alone respecting it? ========================================= We see from above about the destructive force of both Islam and Christian Church on Hindus and India. Unless, the Roman Catholic Church changes its modus operandi and Christian missionaries of the Baptist Church and the Protestant Church, they can meet with dire consequences in the coming years from Hindu attacks which can be justified and they all have to bear the consequences and blames not us Hindus. Some historical facts and blunt realities about Islamic invasions and imperialism 634 A.D. Muslim invasion of Byzantine Christian Empire – Arab Muslims attack, invade and occupy Christian Syria, Armenia, Egypt, North Africa, Asia Minor, Crete and Sicily, and attempt to conquer the Byzantine Christian Empire’s capital Constantinople in Christian Turkey, until 1169 A.D. Many of these remain under Muslim occupation up to this very day. 634 A.D. Muslim invasion of Palestine - Caliphate Muslims attack, invade and occupy Christian Palestine. Jerusalem (which is mentioned 154 times in the Bible but exactly ZERO times in the Quran) falls to the Muslim occupiers in 638 A.D., until retaken by the Christian Crusaders in 1099 A.D. 650 A.D. Muslim invasion of Khazar - Arab Muslims attack, invade but fail to occupy Jewish and Christian Khazar (Ukraine and Russia), until 737 A.D. 652 A.D. Muslim invasion of Southern Italy - Syrian Arab Muslims attack, invade and occupy Christian Sicily and Italy, until 1091 A.D. 700 A.D. Muslim invasion of Nubia - Arab Muslims attack, invade but fail to occupy Christian Nubia, until 1315 when a Muslim king ascends the throne. 711 A.D. Muslim invasion of South-west Europe - Umayyad Muslims attack, invade and occupy Christian Spain, Portugal, Andora and Gibraltar, and try to invade France but are soundly trashed in the Battle of Tours, until 975 A.D. 846 A.D. Muslim Saracen sacking of Rome - Saracen Muslims attack, invade and pillage Rome, the very capital of the Christian church at that time. The unholy, sacrilegeous, disrespectful defilers rob the sacred relics of the Basilica of Saint Peter and Basilica of Saint Paul, but fail to breach the walls of the city. (Kudos to Eric Mudasi for insipiring this addition.) 1064 A.D. Muslim invasion of West Asia - Turkish Muslims attack, invade and occupy Asia Minor and Syria, until 1308. However, later events cause them to remain under Muslim occupation today. 1095 A.D. The First Crusade - First Crusade begins. Campaign is limited to retaking formerly Christian lands. Today, all the territory reclaimed from Muslim occupiers during the Crusades has returned to Muslim occupation – except for Israel, which has been returned to Jewish rule after 2500 years of occupation by various factions, including centuries of Muslim subjugation. Ref: (1) Swami Dayananda Saraswati (2) CHRISTIANITY IN INDIA: INVASION THROUGH CONVERSION MY NOTE: India is fighting against a demon with many heads from all sides: From Chinese threats From Porkistani threats of terrorism From Islamic perpetual threats From Christian Sects and their hypocrisy From a lack of United Hindu India From Hindu soul sellers due to their greediness and can sell their souls for money and convert From corrupted politicians who are harping India and who are blind by the conversion spree from Roman Catholic Church who are drinking Indian bloods through false propaganda, illusion tricks, buying the poor souls with money to conversion. Muslim has what is called the Churchianity system whereby everything is based on one central agency- The World Islamic Mission, just as the Catholic from the Papal Church of Rome (Roman Catholic church) and Hindus with its openness and 6 Schools of thoughts have been especially in the 21st century created division, confusion to many though it is incomparable with its richness and unmatched philosophy. Shouldnt we return to the best system of the Vedas (vedic system) to unify Hindus. BUT, how can we forget that all the problems are due to KHANGRESS which has been killing Hindutva and promote much Christianity especially with the chootiya Italian? Theres a great mission and the youths need waking up from their slumber and see the stark reality before it is too late. The Need of the Hour in India If theres a need to use force like what they did (Christian Conquistadors and Muslim Imperialists), do it and perhaps after giving some harsh shock to these missionaries and proselytizers that they will understand. Sometimes .. and for a cause, war to fight Adharma is inevitable. This is the last resort and should not be used as far as possible. Diamond cuts diamond as goes the saying ! This war is a war against evil Islam and for this, Christians, Hindus and Jews should work in trust and common interest and one goal to finish these enemies of humanity and true God. We have nothing to prove to Muslims that their religion is man-made since we know history and a date of its creation base on one prophet. However, their egos are so strong that its difficult for them to accept naked truth. Truth is always bitter. However, we should not forget that our fiercest enemy is Islam and Muslims. We cant react as if all Christians are missionaries and Christians should understand that if ever there are assaults on Xtian sects, they should understand the reason.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 17:11:12 +0000

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