Article written by Rachel Rowen, medical esthetician about - TopicsExpress


Article written by Rachel Rowen, medical esthetician about NeriumAD This is a wonderful article written by Neriums own, Rachel Rowen, a 26 year medical esthetician. When you read this, you will understand why we, as Nerium Brand Partners, are so passionate about our product and company! Nerium is the best investment anyone with skin can make. This is a medical breakthrough I havent seen in my 26 yr. medical career. It started for me as a private practitioner whereby, I am well studied and read medical textbooks and product ingredients for fun. I am also published many times over and have always taught in the medical skin care realm with amazing top physicians and Estheticians. ( I began as a schoolteacher). After studying the NAE8 molecule, and seeing the results, I knew exactly what was happening from the inside at a dermal level for this cosmetic treatment to turn back the clock the way it does. I had to have the product for my clientele. I thus became a shared marketer under the phenomenal genius, Jeff Olson along with President Dennis Windsor. Nerium is named for the breed of middle eastern oleander a red flowering plant. This plant is not indigenous to Texas and Canada where we nurture these bio organic fields of life. The NAE8 has been known for its medicinal qualities for 1000 yrs. it began being studied in the last fifty years by the medical world. In the medical world as a drug, it has kept HIV from full blown AIDS, Alzheimers disease in remission, prostate cancer, stroke victims, babies born with herpes or shingles etc... Therefore, what we have is a molecule with limitless power to heal the immune system. Anything this molecule is put next to, it synergistically strengthens the depth and benefit through the roof! Dr. Newman used a medical version on topical skin disorders...throughout his studies, he noticed other obvious cosmetic benefits from this non toxic antioxidant molecule. He called Don Smothers, they combined the patented blend of the pure NAE8 with the pure Aloe Vera, and BOOM....the cosmetic topical night treatment miracle Nerium AD was born. Jeff Olson, the CEO, came out of retirement to make this his most amazing and legendary company. He combined Nerium International with Nerium Biotechnologies giving us complete ownership and a total barrier of entry to the rest of the world! Our Biomass is being used to give back to the universities for future medical cures! Charity and positive loving supportive teamwork is the creation of this Slight Edge culture ....loving caring sharing and giving people an out of this tremendous recession. This business is setting new standards daily! Jeff Olson is also the author of The Slight Edge. Read it! Everyone and Anyone! The Nerium compensation plan is beyond belief and has no financial cap whatsoever. We will take over every market in the world....we will launch a phenomenal cellulite cream, a scar cream, a stretch mark cream, a vitamin, there are 10 products that will strategically be released. Countries waiting will be strategically opened. This company is headed for the billions...I love this job, helping my team and working with the willing. People, its a gold mine. A moment in time! See it, seize it! Most Sincerely, Rachel Rowen
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:45:02 +0000

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