As I am forced to observe but not naturally wont to so do,I see - TopicsExpress


As I am forced to observe but not naturally wont to so do,I see people in groups taking turns to lash out on themselves,using derogatory terms and inciting words on each other. Many claim how this candidate would wipe out corruption and how one among many others doesnt have a school cert and how another has endangered the nation and making it reeks of corruption. One thing is sure,we are most like becoming pawns in the chessboard of politricks and by extension making ourselves available as viable tools in the workshop of disintegration thereby servicing the ego,urges,ulterior motives,whims and escapade of these politicians who for one breath doesnt have our interest at heart. This nation cant be taken to that enviable heights we desire as a people by any politician dead or alive nor political party,need I even mention that most of them have been involved in this mobius strip dance,being tossed here and that way by wind of personal interest and self- aggrandisement ? Nigeria would be set on the track of becoming what it should be the moment we start seeing ourselves as brothers and efforts concerted in pulling down every strongholds of ethnic chauvinism and religious bigotry. Caviat: politicians are birds of passage. When they come and are gone,the people remain even unto generations untold. Searing the fabric that holds us together as a people by venom-coated and premeditated verbiage is not a mark of patriotism rather a further exposure of our collective existence to destruction. #peace#
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 12:38:04 +0000

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