As I headed into the Wizards Wood there was neither rain nor - TopicsExpress


As I headed into the Wizards Wood there was neither rain nor shine. Just the mist rising from the river, the far border it defined. I drank in the solitude, the silent mystery, at least thats how his woodlands have always seemed to me. Theres always something magical just around the next bend, and countless trails that lead to beautiful strange places, the mysteries never end. Thinking these thoughts I became lost, when from out of deep shadows a figure caught my eye. Is that you dear Wizard? Is that you I spy?! He chuckled and stepped forward, Good morning, my dear. Ive come to take you to a certain spot, its a ways to go I fear. I hope you dont mind a longer stroll in the company of this old troll. We laughed and I replied: Not at all, I like it when youre at my side. What is this place of which you speak? He resettled his hat and stroked his whiskers, It is a remote grove on the far side of the rushing creek. Come, Ill show you, oh my, it looks like the critters have spotted us. Look up there, within the canopy, Owl, Eagle and Raven watch over you and me, perched so still without a fuss. And look to the underbrush, there to your right. Carefully now, youll spot Fox and Raccoon come into sight. They have such deep curiosity. He just shook his head and grasped gently my arm. Watch out now there are trap roots, I dont want to see you stumble and come to harm. The path became so encumbered with the stretched out tendrils of the trees. The going was slowed considerably. I noticed there was a slight shift in the air, Were close now. he said to me. Thats when the path began to rise as we came to a small knoll. At its crest there stood an ancient tree, its beauty through time held well. Thick moss had blanketed its roots that protruded above ground, the other trees all stood back and circled all around. He walked me around to the back side, stroking the ancient ones bark. Set within the massive trunk there was an arched wooden door, and I pondered what it was there for. Then he tried the latch but it appeared tightly locked, so upon it he did knock. We waited for a time, just taking in the view, when from the other side there came a click and I wondered what it would reveal. The door opened just slightly, who stood behind it we could not see. Come out now, said the Wizard, tis just the Child and me. The Elf maiden then appeared, skepticism in her eyes. You need not be so surprised. The Wizard said, Weve merely come to see how things go. Is the young Dragon behaving himself? Were curious to know. She shrugged her shoulders, You can see for yourself, enter if you wish. So we stepped through the door, which she closed behind us. I thought she did so very quick. We stood in total darkness, then I heard her fingers snap. An amber light filled the hollow just like that. We went down a flight of stairs, deep into the underground, they opened to a cavern Im sure no one has ever found. Wait here, Ill be right back, it wont take me long. So we took to a rocky shelf and there we settled ourselves. A short while later we heard a graveled voice singing a very strange song. And then we heard the maiden say, Dont tarry, pick up the pace, come along. The graveled voice stopped singing the song about the Runes, instead it hummed another tune. Shed returned with pride in her eyes, our young Green Dragon at her side. He stopped in his tracks when he saw us there, and on the Wizard he set his gaze to stare. In a much more mature voice he spoke his words: Wizard, to you a good day. He glance at me and nodded, then back to the Wizard who replied: Good day to you Dragon, and with your lessons are you satisfied? The Dragon nodded his head, Oh yes, they are excellent indeed. I understand now why you placed me in the maidens keep. The Wizard smiled and nodded. Well the time has come, you and the maiden will accompany us back, were to meet up with everyone. The other Dragons will be eagerly waiting amid the forest creatures and our friends, they will be pleased to see that you are back among us again. The maiden fussed at her gown fluffing it a bit. The Dragon snorted and raised his scales and slowly let them rest and sit. So we headed down a tunnel, one that stretched for what seemed a mile or more. It opened onto the river bank, where the waters meet the shore. Its here we will be waiting for the rest of you to arrive. The Wizard sent the sentry Ravens to let you all know where we abide. Whats in store at this point I have no real clue, other than the prayers and blessings that we daily do. And of course the brunch afterward, and with all those who have come to attend, Im sure well need many dishes and naturally lots of treats again. Brimstone nuggets and powder will be in high demand. Im glad I brought the grains and seeds for our forest friends. The rest remains a mystery, though I do suspect, we may perhaps be treated to some of this Dragons wit. See you when you get here!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 15:16:41 +0000

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