As I lay awake reflecting, not to live in the past but to learn - TopicsExpress


As I lay awake reflecting, not to live in the past but to learn from the history so not to repeat it in my future. From my hardships to this man who looked rather homeless in McDonalds till he pulled his bible out and started to read and study for himself then I realized how rich he truly is. So many lessons learned, never judge a book by its cover, and never judge ppl cause you never know the shoes they are wearing where they hv been and what they hv been thru till you walk in them. Its hard not to fall in everyday routine lose sight of each other and what made us happy in the first place, well I say hold on to them thoughts never let them to far from ur mind or your heart. Its the little things that count. That smile someone needed. Or that txt that just says good morning beautiful. Or a hug that just might makes someones day. Cause at the end of it all that matters is the love you hv for your spouse ur children ur GF/BF or whatever the case maybe, love like their wont be a tomorrow cause you never know tomorrow may never come.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 06:19:03 +0000

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