As I reflect on my life and my business, I have come to realize - TopicsExpress


As I reflect on my life and my business, I have come to realize that the reason that I came into this business is two fold, first to provide a comfortable living for my family and myself and second to be able to provide support for the charities that I support and to help other people to provide for their families. When I first started in the business, I didn’t really take it serious and ‘played’ with this like a toy. I would get excited every time I pulled it from the closet, but soon became bored with it. I kept forgetting WHY I started in this business in the first place, so it is important to share WHY it is that you want to succeed. Is it because you want to help others, to create time to spend on the things that are most important to you or just to never have ask someone else if you can have more money, time off or something as silly as can I use the rest room. It just doesn’t matter what the reason is, it just has to be important to you. I pose a question to everyone; “Who would you like to help reach all of their dreams? Yours or someone else’s? There is no right answer, it just has to be ‘right’ to you. So you may be asking yourself, if this is such a good business to be in, why aren’t more people in it or more importantly why aren’t more people successful at it? You read why I didn’t achieve success early on, but many times people may take it seriously for awhile, but quit just before they can reap the rewards. We live in a ‘Fast Food’ world, where everyone wants instant gratification. I count myself as being one of those people, but I can still learn and so can you, as long as you allow yourself to. What do I mean? I mean that if you pay attention to what everyone is saying, take it in and decide what makes sense to you and what works for you and get rid of the non useful information, then you can restart the learning process. Now onto how people can succeed in a business of their own. First you MUST be willing to sit down and get all of the information. Why should you do that? The reason is simple, if I were to ask you to buy a red convertible from me for $25,000, wouldn’t you want to know more about the car before you bought it. It could be a 1970 Ford that is broke down and in bad shape or it could be a 2013 Bentley. Well we all know that the Ford isn’t worth any where close to $25,000 if it’s broken down and rusted, but a 2013 Bentley would be a steal at that price. How would you know that if you didn’t have all the information? So I encourage everyone to sit down at a professional presentation and get ALL the information before deciding that LegalShield is not for you. It may not be for you, but at least be fully informed. You may have preconceived notions about what it is that we do. I did and I think that I am a pretty intelligent person. I had the membership for 9 years before I finally went to a professional presentation. Now I was sure that someone would try to ‘convince’ me to spend my hard earned money on a ‘crazy scheme’, so I left my check book and credit card home so that I could leave and not be ‘convinced’ to get involved in this scheme. What I found was a gentleman who actually worked for the same company that I worked at, only in Chicago instead of Detroit. He replaced his income and more and when he suffered a stroke several years later, his concern was for his wife and their bills. She reassured him that because of the work that he had done since he entered into this business, that they had enough residual money coming in to take care of all the necessities. She also told him, just to worry about resting and getting his health back. How many people can say that? What happens if you see the value of joining us in business? It’s quite simple really, if you would just trust our system and allow us to work for you, you can become successful as well. We ask you to follow that system, that all of the successful people in our company adhered to on their path to freedom. It’s so simple and easy that people feel the need to always change that system, ‘reinvent the wheel’ if you will. How do I know? Because I was one of those people. I believed that there had to be more to it than what I was told. Well after my ‘playing’ with this business and through all of my stubbornness, I finally found the ‘secret’. The only problem was the secret was given to me when I joined this business. So here is the ‘secret’; After you sign up as an Associate, call the law firm and ask any question that you’d like or just call to see if they answer the phone like we told you that they would. Next, have your sponsor sit down with you and do a game plan interview, which consists of writing down your ‘WHY’. Why is it that you want to be successful and really dig down and explain why this is so important to you. It has been said that your ‘WHY’ should make you cry. What this means is the reason why you’re doing the business will need to drive you through the tough times. What are the tough times? They are when you have people close to you saying NO to you. They say no because they don’t know what they don’t know. Next make a list of everyone that you know. People that you went to school with, worked with, do business with, family, etc. DO NOT PREJUDGE ANYONE. Those that you think will look at this won’t and those that you think won’t look at it will. You just don’t know what is going on in someone else’s lives, so INVITE everyone to a private showing at your home, a one on one sit-down, an evening presentation or a local luncheon. ALWAYS have the person who invited you or someone who has experience, present to your guest. If you invite to a luncheon, offer to buy their lunch or if you cannot afford it ask your sponsor or support team to help you out with the cost. The fastest and easiest way to start on the path to success is for a person to get paid as quickly as possible. The most seasoned person in this business knows that the secret to this business is to continually repeat this system and to stay in ‘phase one’. Do not worry about the person who is not interested in doing this business, they may see enough value in the membership and purchase a plan to protect their family or business. The thing is this business is not for everyone and that is okay, but the real key is to inform and educate people, because at some point a person may need the service and they will most likely come back to you when they do. I do not want a person to purchase the plan if they don’t see a value in our service. So in closing every one should at the very least take a look at everything we do to protect families and if they see how it can help to keep you’re hard earned money in YOUR pocket then by all means protect your family. If you can’t see a value, then thank you for your time and just file the information away just in case. I had purchased a plan in 1999 and in 15 years I’ve called about 100 times. I do know that I have saved enough money, kept from losing money and have been reimbursed enough money to pay for my membership until the age of 143. The cool thing is that the law firms will keep doing that for me as long as I keep this membership. The bad thing is that I look back on my life and realize how much more money I could have had if I just knew about this membership back in 1972, 27 years sooner. The thing is I have it now and would give up eating before I give up my membership.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 15:42:08 +0000

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