As I sat in the quietness of my heart and reflected upon what I - TopicsExpress


As I sat in the quietness of my heart and reflected upon what I was grateful for, my heart was immersed in the magic, beauty and deep connections I have with the inspiring men at Valley State Prison, my Brothers in Blue. My heart expands in the presence of these wise, kind, chivalrous, grateful, loving, strong, courageous men - these beings of light. You have changed my life in profound ways. Thank you! I see you, I love you and I am always here supporting you! The work we do together is transformation! Thank you Freedom to Choose Foundation for making this heart to heart - soul to soul, deeply healing & awakening journey possible! I am forever grateful, inspired and in love! The work we do awakens us all to live as the very best version of ourselves. You have all touched my heart in such a profoundly deep way. At VSP, I am aware of the deep wisdom, clarity and purpose within my own soul and moved beyond words to feel, see, hear and witness God in the face of every man. I hear Spirits message in every conversation and within the grace of own my heart. #universalfamily #brothersinblue #breatheinlovebreatheoutpeace #unconditionallove #forgiveness #GRATITUDE-LOVE-FREEDOM I recently received a poem written by one of my Brothers in Blue. I have his permission to share it with all of you... His poem speaks to his experience of life before Freedom to Choose, how he looked at himself/life and how he experiences himself after. Home When I think of home, of family, of friends I use to know, it feels like a dream, as if that were another life. And in a real sense, it is. Where did that sweet, innocent kid from my youth go? Lost? Somewhere in the sands of time, through this abyss, as it were? I feel that boy, still present in the deep recesses of my spirit, somehow protected from this madness created at my own hand. Guarded by the rough facade I must present to make it through this, as unharmed as possible. The warrior I have been, this rough mask created, however, is not who I am. And it pains me greatly yet, that those loved from my distant past, now, more than likely, view me through a lens of mixed colors.... Fear, pity, and perhaps a bit of sorrow. And what of my own lens?, Revealing, most of all, shame. Yes, indeed my heart is burdened with deep regret, guilt, remorse, anger and fear, but most of all, I am ashamed. Ashamed of myself, my deeds. Not merely for my victim, and his loved ones, but what of those, I, Once belonged? From the creed in which I came, it is not in me to go quietly into the night, to fade away, with lowered gaze. I must fight to return, to once again stand amongst those pillars, those I care for, and continue striving to regain that which appears lost.... Trust, Faith, Hope and Love, the greatest of these. Our minds are often cruel upon us. Our beliefs formed through images both real and imagined, at times, truth having but little to do with those beliefs and opinions formed, from our separate influences. I stand, guilty as any other, however, also realizing, that time, is at once, our most valuable and perishable of all possessions, and we spend it, it seems, so foolishly, with no bearing or grasp on those precious moments that slip away.... and we, non the wiser for it. I then, stand with much resolve, to waste no more of it. Every breath, each moment, having immense value, and relish in them, as they are, not for hope of what may be. Let me measured and weighed by my heart, with great prayer, continue this journey to find redemption. If possible, while I draw breath as a mortal, ever searching of that warm place, that belief, my spirit may once again fly, as in the minds eye and imagination of that sweet child from so very long ago.... And Freedom and Love, be mine again.... - Jerry inmate, Valley State Prison for Men
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 04:44:13 +0000

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