As Im sure everyone is aware, in about fifteen minutes it will be - TopicsExpress


As Im sure everyone is aware, in about fifteen minutes it will be January 28 - Bells Lets Talk Day - I am going to be posting a personal message a bit later - I have struggled with whether or not I should post it - Even in todays environment, 79% of people who come forward with regard to their major depression will be discriminated against in one way or another. I have had a major instance of discrimination that those who worked with me at PBB will know well - but I wont elaborate on it. People may read my post, and say the obvious - someone who loses a child, will suffer some type of depression - someone who loses a parent long before their time - same thing - But depression is a chemical imbalance, which makes it more difficult to deal with situations that most people have little or no problem dealing with. An example of one of these instances is part of my message I will be posting. I have put in bold print a couple of things of importance. Other than my doctors, I have only shared my whole story with one person. But today, January 28 is about turning things around - the following is a list of people that have, or have been treated for Major Depression The list may surprise you Woody Allen, Alec Baldwin, Halle Berry, Jon Bon Jovi, Truman Capote, Drew Carey, Jim Carrey, Johnny Carson, Ray Charles, Agatha Christie, Winston Churchill, Louis C.K., Eric Clapton, Kurt Cobain, Leonard Cohen, Sheryl Crow, Ellen DeGeneres, Johnny Depp, Charles Dickens Bob Dylan, Harrison Ford, Peter Gabriel, Ernest Hemmingway, Anthony Hopkins, Billy Joel, Hugh Laurie, John Lennon, David Letterman, Abraham Lincoln, Heather Locklear, Marilyn Monroe, Mozart, Brad Pitt Edgar Allan Poe, J.K. Rawling, Bruce Springsteen, Gwen Stefani, James Taylor, Mark Twain, Eddie Vedder, Robin Williams, Oprah Winfrey. When you see this list, it reminds us that this is not an isolated illness. And many have maintained a successful career despite their illness. So go on to Bells site - read some of the statistics - some of the stigmas, and hopefully each year we will help to fill that glass right up to the top. Dave
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 05:00:31 +0000

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