As Ive sat back, and observed people on Facebook, Ive made some - TopicsExpress


As Ive sat back, and observed people on Facebook, Ive made some observations. Of course all may not be accurate for all, it is for most. 1: The people who are the worlds worst at talking bad about people, making fun of others, flat out miserable with their lives, untrustworthy, etc are the ones who make the most posts about how you should treat others, be kind, tell the truth, etc. The ones who actually live that way, dont post it, I guess they dont feel the need that they have to shove it down peoples throats since they do in fact, live that way, and people see it. Example, all these barrel racers and trainers who can go out there and cut the clock off (at BIG shows. Not local jackpot heels lol) they let their success speak for them. They dont have to tell everyone what their horse can do or will do, they prove, and you rarely hear them speak bad of others. Maybe because theyve proved themselves, are at peace, and know we all have bad days, rather than talk about everyone else to try to make themselves look good. 2: The ones caught up in drama constantly, usually start the drama or stick their nose in others business. Then cry about no one likes them, blah blah blah. How can you not see if you swap friends a million times, you eventually cant be a real friend..... Because you turn on whoever isnt popular at the time. Stay to yourself or you have no reason to whine all the time ;) 3: Absolutely nothing wrong with posting Bible versuses, sharing such things. But when you post all that, and act completely different in the real world, theres something wrong with that. And Ive learned most of the time (not all folks) the ones posting the most, are the biggest crap talkers out there and far from living by the word. Thankfully the good Lord died for our sins and know we are all far from perfect. But I think those posting the most and about certain subjects are feeling guilty. And have to judge those who have sinned just as them, twice as hard. Why? I have no idea. So.. Theres my 2 cents on how Facebook looks now a days. Its pretty entertaining :-) after learning all this I try to stay quiet, unless posting items for sale or about my Hayes man or 4 legged babies! Or funny stuff, I cant help it lol! I wonder if anyone else notices these things, or if Im just that bored right now lol!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 20:29:00 +0000

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