As POWERFUL as a Typhoon, with the SPEED of Lightning: THE IRON - TopicsExpress


As POWERFUL as a Typhoon, with the SPEED of Lightning: THE IRON PALM! ONLY THE BEST OF THE BEST FROM GHOST HANDS: BAK MEI KUNG FUs Simple, Direct, Deceptive & Lightning-Fast yet very Powerful and Destructive Moves Against Pressure Point Targets BLACK DRAGON MARTIAL ARTS has 4 objectives called the QUAD THEORY: If my opponent cannot see - he cannot continue to attack me. If my opponent cannot stand - he cannot continue to attack me. If my opponent cannot breathe - he cannot continue to attack me. If my opponent cannot focus due to severe pain or disorientation - he cannot attack me. In this Video: Learn how to generate short range power and take out any attacker. This clip is an extract from the 6 dvd set Iron Fist Secrets, in this clip you see the Fire Palm. It is demonstrated on the arm but would be applied to Dim Mak points usually, it was only demonstrated on the arm for safety. The clip shows you how much power can be generated from a very close range using Sifu Steven Burtons Iron Fist training method. In our Bak Mei, We Employ Lightning-Fast Power Shots/Strikes (Explosive Power comes from applying the Principle of Chi-Gong and Inch Punch Power) Launched From Different Angles All Directed at various Pressure Points of the Attackers Body. Chi Gong makes it possible for Bak Mei Strikes and Blocks to be lightning-fast and still be very explosive and destructive at the same time. Hence, the expression: As Powerful as a Typhoon, with the Speed of Lightning. Every seemingly harmless Block is a very ferocious attack in itself (Shock and Awe) aimed at smashing the Attackers bridges (arms or legs) and at the same inflicting excruciating Pain on the Attacker. Very useful and practical in close range combat (e.g. at elevators/parkade etc.) to immediately take out an Attacker in 1-2 Seconds and enables one to get ready for the next Attacker(s) or to get away from the Combat Zone ASAP. So what is the EXPLOSIVE POWER? The explosion from dynamites is resulted from the ignition of compressed gunpowder. Even though uncompressed gunpowder can be ignited, but it only burns as sparkle. Only by compressing gunpowder to dynamites, we can then create an explosion. The same principle is applied to the combustion engine of a car, which requires four basic steps to start. These four steps are drawing air, compressing, exploding and exhausting. Therefore, before power busting, we must inhale to draw in air to the lower abdomen, compress the air with the waist and bust it out. This is similar to a balloon busting when it reaches its maximal expansion. Meanwhile we need to aim accurately at the target, and then bust out toward the target in a straight line. Pull the body back when the hand is charging forward. This is similar to the recoil action of cannon after firing, in order to keep the body in balance. This is so-called the explosive power of Pakmei. The strength of the explosive power depends on the training of the practician. To achieve the explosive power, one must achieve the 6 points of power first. Once practiced properly and released well, the explosive power usually can create more power than the body weight. Some of its techniques are very fierce and ruthless. Therefore there is a phase saying, “Attack without mercy, mercy without attack”. Pakmei Wushu emphasizes on defending and neutralizing attacks using attacks. Three important sparring mottos are: “No blocking, no diverting, only attacking”, “Pushing down a punch with a punch, pushing down a kick with a kick”, “There is no invincible punching style, there is only invincible speed”. Use the blocking hand as the attacking hand. Attack with both hands continuously before the opponent has the opportunity to attack back. This is the so-called “shocking attack” of Pakmei. GHOST HANDS on UNDERSTANDING THE ESSENCE OF LIFE Series: LETS FOCUS ON THE THINGS THAT MATTER MOST IN LIFE- AMONG THEM ARE OUR PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL & SOCIAL AND OUR SPIRITUAL HEALTH - MARTIAL ARTS IS THE COMBATIVE EXPRESSION OF THE HUMAN BODY Mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body). It is unfortunate and ironical that so many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health. One good way to keep us healthy, among others, is through Exercise. I chose to train in Martial Arts because of the multiple benefits that I derive which include: the Physical and Mental Exercise, the Discipline and the Philosophy and the Special Skills one learns and one can use in Situations wherein one has to protect his family and loved ones from real and present danger or threat. GHOST HANDS Mantra on the Power of Self Defence Training: It is Better to Have The Power and not need it than to Need it and NOT Have it Why was DAVID able to stand up against the GIANT GOLIATH when the army of Israel pulled back in fear? It is because he saw GOLIATH NOT as a threat too big to hit, but as a TARGET too BIG to miss. Most of the time, it is not the situation that has the complication. Its the way you see things that matter very much in determining your VICTORY in Combat & SUCCESS in Life! (GHOST HANDS)
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 07:14:33 +0000

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