As a Muslim, I condemn this attack and terrorism in any - TopicsExpress


As a Muslim, I condemn this attack and terrorism in any form. Whenever some horrific incident takes place, many Muslim individuals and organizations feel this need to publicly condemn it. Yet this very pressure is actually a result of the Islamophobic climate created in the West and amplified with every incident. This belief that Muslims are required to apologize for actions that have no basis in Islam in the first place. This idea that every action of the Muslim is a reflection of the religion itself. Something that is actually taught in academia: that religion is the combined actions and beliefs of its adherents. This is a falsehood based on the premise that religion is man-made. No, false religion is man-made. But yet this climate births the moderate Muslim idea, and the idea that the majority of Muslims are silent about the crimes committed in the name of our shared religion. It is this Islamophobic climate that makes many Muslims walk on eggshells when it comes to what they say about Islam to a people who have been force-fed agenda-driven reporting about Islam from the Western Media most of their lives. I can guarantee that the majority of non-Muslims in the West, and anywhere else, have no idea what Khawarij means. You see, Islamophobes need ISIS. Why? Because the danger of learning the truth about Islam is a great threat to Western, secular, liberal, democratic values. If the truth about Islam was told, the reversion rates would be in record numbers. Instead, people are fed lies that they psychologically attach themselves to; Lies and distortions that are told to them to make them averse to Islam. Sometimes denunciation is a form of apology: an apology for Islam and for Muslims. The implication is that every Muslim is under suspicion of being sympathetic to terrorism unless he or she explicitly says otherwise. When Christians or Hindus commit crimes, no one connects it to their religion, simply because the background information has already been implanted in the minds of the people that because people commit evil in the name of Islam, then there must be some Islamic basis to it. This is a very dangerous idea, an idea that forms the basis for the idea that a domesticated Islam, one that is more agreeable to Western values is the real Islam. This suggests that the problem is Islam itself, and Islam must be reformed. Many people who have been brainwashed with these ideas do noteven realize they have been deceived in this way. Yet they still ask you why Muslims become suicide bombers or become terrorists.The question itself, though borne of ignorance, is borderline insulting. But this idea that Muslims must somehow apologize for Islam and Muslims is even more insulting. When a man who rapes a woman is caught and convicted, do all the other men in the world feel the need to reassure the women of the world that not all men are like this? Do you always feel the need to apologize for the behavior of others? It is implicitly if unintentionally reiterating the idea that we are guilty until proven innocent, thatmaybe there is something to the idea of collective Muslim responsibility for lone criminals who happen to share our religion. The Scholars have proven time and time again, long before 9/11, centuries before, that terrorism and murder and indiscriminant killings are not part of Islam. They have elucidated the Kharijee methodology with clarity and have demonstrated which groups are part of this ideology and methodology. If people refuse to listen because theyhave fallen for the tactic that bombarding us with incidents will somehow belie what the scholars of Islam say, then thats their business. I for one do notfeel the need to apologize. Islam is not what some deviant does, even if the deviants were to be great in numbers, even if they were to become the majority. Islam is the Quran and the Sunnah according to the understanding of the Salaf. As a non-Muslim the obligation is upon you to find out what that actually means, not upon Muslims to apologize for what hasnothing to do with Islam every time the media does what they do best: create news rather than report news.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 06:43:16 +0000

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