As a nation of people... we need to stop with this color barrier - TopicsExpress


As a nation of people... we need to stop with this color barrier thing.... let us close our eyes and hear what happened... a man who may have been afraid... he saw a teenager with a hoodie on.. that look like he was up to no good... this man followed him... this man may have attacked the teen or the teen may have attacked him... the teen was shot... that is how it should have been talked about... the teen could have been white in a Chinese community... what would have happened than? We are raising a nation of mixed children... we are raising a nation of human beings... what is happening to this country? Generations ago we were the black panthers... several generations ago they wore sheets, they were the KKK ... several generations ago Jews were killed because of one person hatred... there will always be a King.. a Zimmerman.. a somebody... faceless ... nameless... colorless... We as an individual need to teach our next ... no this generation... A man... a woman is a person who will hold you to your own level of understanding... I am a woman.. I born a child.. I love my God... I understand myself... I want my child to grow up be married, have a family, take care of me in my old age... than I want to see my grand children.. maybe my great.. or great, great grand children than be laid to my rest... I am a woman with out color barriers.. can I see a nation ... will I see a nation... that will stand as a nation ... stand against wrong... not color... stand up for wrong ... not color... the Dr. Martin L. King Jr. said, “I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls.” than Mr. Rodney King says "Can we all just get along?" Yes I am mad that a young may was killed.. I am mad that in the streets of Baltimore, Maryland the murder rate is rising... I am mad that a woman can not defend herself from a man who has promised to kill her... yes I am mad that several young boys killed a baby just to see what happened... yes I am mad... but right now all I can do is pray... because as a nation we do not no how to raise our future nation.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 13:26:32 +0000

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