As most of you know, my hubby Mathew, is in the military and as a - TopicsExpress


As most of you know, my hubby Mathew, is in the military and as a military family it is well known that we travel frequently, moving to different units and active bases in order to complete training and then later to work within your trade once fully qualified. As a military spouse, it was something Id accepted and had taken into consideration long before Mathew had even accepted his enlistment. It was also one of the biggest reasons why I decided to start up my own business and become my own boss. So it is with mixed feelings that I announce we have received our very first posting as a military family. We will be moving August 11 to CFB Petawawa and likely living there until Mathews first contract is complete and up for renewal (or unless otherwise stated of course). It makes my heart heavy, seeing as Ive had many successes this year within the Simcoe County, many which far surpassed any goals Id initially set for myself and more importantly, met some amazing people and captured some of their most important stories and I couldnt be more grateful or lucky to have done so. That being said though, I will be working the Simcoe County long into November once my final wedding is complete and coming back well into the new year for all of my 2015 bookings. Any pre-booked sessions or weddings will adhere to all original contracts and arrangement; Any bookings that come in after July 31st 2014 will have the travel fee taken into consideration for all future quotes, using CFB Petawawa as a starting point instead of CFB Borden. I will be scheduling all photo sessions leading up to November during wedding weekends as much as schedules will allow to help ease the cost of gas and travel etc. I will also be taking a few weeks off to accommodate the house hunting trip, packing and moving - from Friday July 18th 2014 till Thursday August 14th 2014, I will not be scheduling any photo sessions during that time period just until things have settled down moving wise and I travel back to Simcoe County for my first August wedding on the 16th. For any bridal consultations, venue scouts or general client meetings, I am available during the week days and nights leading up until we move. Thats all I can think of for now in regards to information. For those that have any questions or concerns regarding the move or their contract etc, please dont hesitate to send me a message, email, text or phone call! We are setting out on a completely new adventure and I am looking forward to searching out new photo locations, new wedding venues, new opportunities and capturing more stories across our province :) I also look forward to coming back home, to reconnect with all of my existing clients and to continue photographing their beautiful stories and memories as they occur in their lives
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 02:44:03 +0000

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