As much as I am disappointed with the Zimmerman verdict, I am - TopicsExpress


As much as I am disappointed with the Zimmerman verdict, I am equally encouraged by all the large, diverse, peaceful turnouts taking place all across the country. Seeing people of all colors, standing side by side in protest is a beautiful sight. The media’s mission is to divide but the statement of unity that is being made is a strong message to the powers that be that everyone is not falling for their trickery. When those innocent high school teenagers were shot and killed at Columbine years ago, it broke my heart and recently when innocent little kids were killed in Connecticut, I cried for days. The tears I cried had nothing to do with the color of the victims skin, my tears were simply for the innocent, beautiful, young, human beings that were robbed of their lives. At the end of the day we are all one race of people and that’s the human race and if one of our innocent little ones is unlawfully harmed we should all be effected. Those of us who understand this truth share the responsibility to lead and to be the light in this dark and divided world. Change has never been realized without the help of all joining in together. The civil rights movement would have never succeeded if only black people were fighting for equality. Malcolm-X would have died with a narrow-minded false perspective on race if he would have died before his pilgrimage to Mecca and not witnessed bothers from all races praying together and sharing the same faith. I stand firm on my opinion that Trayvon Martin was an innocent kid who was profiled, provoked and murdered because one idiot decided to play cop. I also believe that a flawed judicial system put into place by flawed men who rarely use come sense, protected the killer and not the victim and failed Trayvon and his family tremendously. But I thank God, that this verdict doesn’t represent the feelings of the masses and being the optimist that I am, I believe that some how some way the truth will prevail and instead of focusing on the negative, I choose to focus on the positive which is the unity taking place amongst people of all races from state to state, joined together expressing their outrage. This is what gives me hope in this midst of the darkness and for the future of this country. Dex Elliott Sanders
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 12:37:46 +0000

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