As the U.S. continues to violate international law all over the - TopicsExpress


As the U.S. continues to violate international law all over the planet, Osama Obama warns Russia to stop violating international law. As the planet bully, the U.S. does what ever it wants with impunity including violating Canadas internationally protected waterways. The World Court ruled that the U.S. had to stop using Canadas Northwest Passage without the permission of the Canadian government, but our good law abiding military and government told Canada to go F themselves and continue using it even for our nuclear submarines and war ships. Way to go America, you have now alienated our closet neighbor and one of only a few countries in the world to not hate our guts. Mr. Obama: If international law is so damn crucial, then stop violating it. Days ago, responding to Russian military intervention in the Crimea, President Obama denounced Russia for a “breach of international law.” The Russian intervention deserves criticism. But let’s be clear. The message from the White House is: Do as we say, not as we do. The U.S. government routinely violates international law with drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and other countries, not to mention its own interference in Ukraines government. Human-rights groups like Reprieve have documented many of those violations in recent reports, and the European Parliament has just condemned the practice as illegal -- but the USA’s missile attacks continue.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 19:54:47 +0000

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