As the paper shows, the Mauryas were Tamils whose origins got - TopicsExpress


As the paper shows, the Mauryas were Tamils whose origins got mixed up in Sanskrit literature and myths. The Vijayalaya line of Cholan rulers along with the Pandiyans and Cherans who ruled in the age of the Third sangam have been mixed with the rulers from the same dynasty but who ruled in around 9th Century. The epigraphical sources for the Sangam age need to be separated from other periods and a proper classification needs to be arrived at. The salient points to be noted are : 1. Sundara Pandiyan, Sundara Chola, Sundara Kapata were the original names of Chandragupta Maurya. 2. Sundara Pandiyan’s uncle Vishnu Kapata or Irumbidartalai was the original name of Chanakya – the author of Arthashastra. 3. Under Sundara Pandiyan’s guidance Panini wrote the Sanskrit grammar ‘Asthadhyayi’. 4. Ashoka was none other Kulathunga Chola. 5. Out of the terrific tidal destruction was created the new Moriya Empire.The terrific tidal wave which destroyed the city of Puhar - the capital city of Cholas and Kapatapuram - the capital city of the Pandiyans started the chain of events which led to the emergence of the Moriyas. 6. The Tamils used Brahmi script long before Sanskrit got a grammar and a script. The Tamils had moved to a different script by the time of the Moriyas. 7. Gupta is the Sanskrit corruption of Tamil – Kapata. This does not necessarily mean the Gupta caste is from Tamilakam. They might have taken the name at a later time. A society need not be urban to be called a civilization, a rural society can also be a civilization. The Tamil society did not attach much premium to sophistication and subtlety as defined today which are the hallmark of civilization controlled by small rich elites. They were close to Nature and lived and expressed themselves that way. As a first approximation all the words appearing in the Third Sangam literature should be classified as originally Tamil. Tamilakam is the center of origin of Hinduism and the centre of civilization of the world. Hinduism belongs to the casteist hindus and not to the hierarchial varnas who have hijacked it.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 10:26:19 +0000

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