As this article demonstrates, Obama and his national security team - TopicsExpress


As this article demonstrates, Obama and his national security team lied in 2012, and it was a very successful tactic for them. They claimed core al-Qaeda was defeated and the terrorists were on the run. At the time, the bin Laden documents were demonstrating the opposite was true. The President would later claim the Islamic State was a JV team, and was re-elected despite: • 43 straight months of 8% or higher unemployment. • 4 straight trillion dollar budget deficits in a row -- more than any other president combined. The Senate went four years without passing a budget. • A University of Colorado economic forecasting model that had correctly predicted the last eight presidential elections claimed Romney would win. They based that on economic growth, unemployment, size of the workforce, and changes in real per capita income. They later explained their mistake by failing to calculate the Presidents foreign policy approval rating. Ignoring the war on terror and advocating America retreat worked for awhile, but not any more. Now even one-third of Democrats are saying Obama is far too passive in foreign policy.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:02:14 +0000

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