As we are on the Eve of 9-11, please reflect back upon the lives - TopicsExpress


As we are on the Eve of 9-11, please reflect back upon the lives lost during the horrific attacks upon New York City, The Twin Towers at the World Trade Center and the Heart of our Military, The Pentagon. Had it not been for many braves souls on United Airlines Flight 93 who thwarted another planned attack on our Nation’s Capital, many more lives would have been lost. These four organized attacks lead us into a War on Terror, seeking out the masterminds of these cowardly attacks on innocent civilians. A concerted effort of our Executive Branch, Intelligence Assets, and our Elite Naval Special Warfare Personnel (SEALS), ultimately resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden and many other Al-Qaeda Leaders. Since the onset of the War on Terror, many lives have been lost on the battlefield. War is not glamorous, nor is it anything humanity wants. However, it is at times a necessity to remove a cancer before it grows. Lives have been lost on both sides; innocents in the line of fire, American Warriors, & yes, some very bad people who would like to do nothing more than kill more of our fellow Americans. One year ago, The United States was struck again on 9-11. The American Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi was attacked, and another four Americans lost their lives, including our Ambassador to Libya. No one has yet been brought to justice for this attack, even though we know who the perpetrators were. The War on Terror is not a War of Christians against Muslims, but a War against those who would do harm against America. Do not harbor fear or hatred towards peaceful Muslims. There is good and bad in any religion, ethnicity, country, and even your own family. America is a land of opportunity, a melting pot of culture, a place where Christian, Jew, Muslim, other faithful, and even non-believers can live side by side and prosper like no other place in the world. We are America, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Profess this as you embrace your fellow man; your fellow Americans; those immigrants from all nations and religions that make this country what it is, and what it will continue to be – The protector of humanity, the leader of the free world, and the land immigrants still flock to because of our freedom and democratic ways. NEVER FORGET 9-11. Love your fellow man. Thank those who protect your freedoms every day, and lastly, GOD Bless America!
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 19:00:04 +0000

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