As we reflect on 175 years of policing in South Australia, today - TopicsExpress


As we reflect on 175 years of policing in South Australia, today we acknowledge the great work done by the crime fighting initiative, Crime Stoppers. The origin of this important organisation can be traced back to a detective in Albuquer...See More Photo: As we reflect on 175 years of policing in South Australia, today we acknowledge the great work done by the crime fighting initiative, Crime Stoppers. The origin of this important organisation can be traced back to a detective in Albuquerque, New Mexico who devised the concept in 1976 after struggling to tap into information in the community about the death of a young college student during a service station robbery. Since that time the concept - in which the community, police and media work together - has spread far and wide, with the program adopted in South Australia on 8 July 1996. (pictured: former Police Commissioner Mal Hyde promoting Crime Stoppers in 1999.) The SA program is very successful and since being established it has led to more than 24,000 crimes being solved, including at least 11 murders; three attempted murders and more than 100 robberies. So if you know something, say something by calling 1800 333 000 or by providing information online at: 12Like · · Share 195 people like this. Peter Tubb I believe my cousin, Robert Maggs may have had something to do with establishing this. Yesterday at 11:53am · Like · 1 Anthony Portanier wouldnt mind a radar on magill rd adelaide bound past glynburn rd,for a few hours tonight, the roadworks are gonna cost more than was expected so.Please slow down. Yesterday at 12:45pm · Like · 1 SA Police News Hi Daniel Mozuras - Thanks for your comment. If you wish to make a complaint about police or police misconduct, please contact the Police Ombudsman here: The Police Ombudsman is an independent statutory body which answers directly to Parliament. The Authority is entirely independent of the South Australia Police (SAPOL) and none of the staff are police officers. Please note, the SAPOL Facebook page is not the place to report crime or police misconduct. Yesterday at 3:33pm · Edited · Like · 4 Tony Orielly He doesnt look that old 23 hours ago · Like John Douglas Well said Prince Prints things are a complete CIRCUS at SAPOL....conflicts of interest, nepotism,cronyism and the list goes on....victims want to see some genuine action taken and not matters continually swept under the carpet and the lid kept on the can of worms created by a group of very deceitful and corrupt officers....the same names continually keep popping up and that is the reason behind many facebook pages and police corruption groups that have been created to help spread the TRUTH as politicians,media etc refuse to take the job on 44 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 2 Prince Prints constable derek docking was found guilty of 132 breaches of improper access of sapol computer system over a ten year period (basically he performed improper checks on people)he plea bargained that down in a private hearing to 8 offences and received a $300 fine from mal hyde which docking paid to sapol.132 offences for a $300 dollar fine.thats $3 an offence.think of that folks when u next receive an infringement notice.two sets of rules for glad mal hydes gone.u wont read bout this in the advertiser or sunday mail whilst nigel HUNT and ben HYDE remain police reporters. 37 minutes ago · Like · 1 John Douglas Constable Derek Edward Docking and his partner in crime Senior Sergeant First Class Andrew James Mccracken need to be investigated for a whole lot more than just Dereks breaches of improper access of sapol computer system.....Holden Hill cib Robert William Cowood needs to be under very close scrutiny for his corrupt actions as a uniformed officer at Holden hill aswell....time for Gary Burns to take a serious apprach to their evil ways! 26 minutes ago · Like · 2 Prince Prints senior constabble kristian henley found guilty of improper access of sapols computers on 37 occassions.he plea bargained this down to one offence in another private hearing and received as punishment unrecorded advice from mal hyde.good to c u r tuff on crime mal.and of course nigel HUNT and ben HYDE wont print this in the tiser or the mail.why dont they want u 2 know about this??? 22 minutes ago · Like · 1 Richard Kovács Major police corruption as stated by John and Prince is being completely ignored and allowed to continue under Mr Burns. Having been a victim myself and knowing of others who have had groups of corrupt police ruin their lives perhaps there should be a CorruptionStoppers hotline??? Derek Edward Docking is a shocking excuse of a p[oliceman 8 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 2 Richard Kovács The Authority is entirely independent of the South Australia Police (SAPOL) and none of the staff are police officers. - pfft what tripe. the investigating officers are other policemen, and usually know the cop who is the subject of the complaint. 6 minutes ago · Edited · Like John Simmons South Australian Police = Corruption. If there was a single officer that had the balls to stand up against the Useless twats it would be amazing. The corruption starts at the top with people like Hyde. Why are we thanking this piece of shit who hides some of the worse crimes in the states history. Crimestoppers should be kicking in his door.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 06:13:30 +0000

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