As yall embark on your 2015 health and fitness resolutions/goals, - TopicsExpress


As yall embark on your 2015 health and fitness resolutions/goals, I just wanna impart some simple knowledge I have learned from my own journey. I am asked literally multiple times a day- How do you do it? # 1- There is NO quick fix. Its a marathon, not a sprint. # 2- You will fail sometimes. Meaning you will gain a few pounds back now and again. Dont say F it. Just get right back on it. And immediately back on it. As in THE SAME DAY (in that moment) NOT days down the road. # 3- Unless you are truly injured or too sick to move (or if there is an exceptionally valid reason) NEVER and I mean NEVER cancel a time to work out. (Be it with a trainer, at the gym or on your own) PRIORITIZE THIS at all costs. # 4- Several days of little nibbles, small portions of high calories, junk foods, treats, :cheats etc..- is WAY worse that a big one time indulgence. # 5- Its a LIFESTYLE change, NOT NOT NOT a diet! # 6- You will find more people will have warnings or advice about the choices you are making to lose the weight or work out, then they EVER did about the crap you were putting in your body before changes were made. Learn to let these people know just that and then let it go. # 7- Find a way to make yourself accountable (and I mean truly accountable). For me- I have had to find countless ways to do this to avoid any slippery slopes. # 8- Do NOT put yourself in places or with people that will sabotage your journey in anyway shape or form. THIS IS CRUCIAL. # 9- Its ok to become a little obsessed. Think of the alternative. (For me- I would have been fraught with even more health issues and fat, if I had not taken charge. # 10- EAT CLEAN! EAT GREEN! DRINK GALLONS OF WATER! READ LABELS and if there are ingredients you cant pronounce or dont know what they are- dont eat it. LOOK THEM UP and you will see why. Give up soda. ALL soda. Give up fast food. ALL fast food. And JUICE. A LOT.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 22:50:44 +0000

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