Aside from the current political, humanitarian, economic, global - TopicsExpress


Aside from the current political, humanitarian, economic, global and regional crises of the year, even in her waning hours, 2014 has been a year of triumphant progress and infinite, exquisite beauty for myself on a personal basis. The road to enlightenment is clear, it is not only sought through the pursuit of knowledge, but in the living of ones life and experiencing of reality. When I started this year, it was with a notable, deep-rooted uncertainty of where I would conclude it. My immediate future looking somewhat more unclear and indeed my feelings arose to the peak of their increased dubiousness over whether I could make anything I wanted for my life become a reality. In addition, I became increasingly doubtful of my abilities, even to the point of unhealthy scepticism. Most damaging of all, I disbelieved in totality that there was in existence such a thing as a nice person. However, time and time again, my cynicism was proven wrong & replaced by a rational optimism for my future. I have had the privilege of adding to the fine roster of friends that I feel confident in not only calling upon them, but also in truly considering them as people who are not interested in who I was, but someone interested in helping me be who I am. These are people I can call friends without hesitation, without mistrust and with a vociferous pride in doing so. I added to my list of professional contacts extensively, to the point that now I could dial experts in almost every country on the globe and ask for updates, and overviews of situations. These people have guided me, shaped me and made me realise that the important thing in life is not gaining the answers to the questions you posed, but being determined and steadfast in unceasingly asking questions of life, and making demands of it. But most importantly, I have truly appreciated the gift of knowledge and intelligence and come to appreciate that while one could read every tome, volume and piece of prosaic text, but still be unaware of the true nature of reality and never really be intelligent. Lessons I have learnt from this year are stark: 1. If you want something, make it happen. Having worked with the Human Security Centre: I saw the human ingenuity of its leadership and how it values its staff members as more than staff, but as human beings. I observed with great respect how to build an organisation of many differing, strong minded individuals with varying opinions, but overall create a supportive, friendly atmosphere. Within two months of being welcomed into that family, I made my own think tank. I feel that Agora in itself has replicated the family feel of the HSC. Even when people are in disagreement, one must find ways of working with them. Which nicely brings me onto the subsequent lesson: 2. Never kick anyone on the way up, because they will return to hurt you on the way down. Never intentionally try to hurt anyone, because you never know when you will need them in life, or need someone in life, and if you have hurt someone, say sorry, and build bridges you have broken. Even people with whom notably dislike me, would be people I would help, because forgiveness is what gives us an ability to be better spiritually and emotionally. One may rage against an army, but a skilled, unflappable diplomat may turn said legions with the respectable and kindly words from their tongue. However, this isnt to say that I advocate people becoming doormats. One must not let people tell you what you are or force you into anything, that nicely brings us onto our final lesson 3. Never let anyone define your usefulness and abilities, or in short, bully you. Bullies are often an ilk of person misrepresented, one of my frustration was when people wouldnt understand that my aggressors didnt want a reaction, they didnt want to just find someone to attack, and it wasnt because they had emotional issues. It was because they hated me intensely for existing. This poses a challenge: How does one beat an enemy thats opposition isnt rational, but based on you hating your very existence? The answer is that you beat these people. Not with your fist, a sword or a bullet, but with the palm of your hand and with the achievements you make. If you wish to show someone what you are made of, do something and show them that you are faster, smarter, more capable and importantly kinder than they ever will be. This is the moment in which they lose the battle, because they lose their ability to claim significance and they lose the ability to be intimidating. It isnt done with malice of trying to hurt someone, but done with the hope of trying to make yourself better to disprove your critics. Teachings are memorised so often as derivatives of books and in the words of sages, but never are they often implemented in the hearts of man. May these reflections help all that would seek their guidance in 2015, but more importantly, may they be enacted.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:59:29 +0000

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