Assalamu aleikom & Eid Mubarek: [quote] “Al-Bukhaari mentioned - TopicsExpress


Assalamu aleikom & Eid Mubarek: [quote] “Al-Bukhaari mentioned in his Saheeh, in a mu’allaq report, that Ibn ‘Umar and Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with them both) used to go out to the market-place on first ten days of Dhu’l-Hijjah, reciting Takbeer, and the people used to recite Takbeer because of their Takbeer.” (Islamqa, part of the translation for Sh. Ibn Baaz) It is prescribed and recommended that we performan takbeer as much as we can i.e., the Day of ‘Arafaah (today), the Day of Sacrifice and the three days of Tashreeq. As such, I meant to share with you this ink which plays takbeer continuousl: Dear brothers & sisters, this is one of our two main days of celebrations.., lets celebrate, lets be happy and share happiness, lets be positive and share positivity... lets convey the true message and value of Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims Perhaps one of our Sheikhs can remind us about the Sunna of Eid…for now here are some tips 1- Wake up early in the morning (before sunrise)…pray fajr, preferably in congregation (regaldless of whether it is Eid or not Eid)…you take a nap and wake up again, if you wish… 2- Break your fast, eat something sweet, and ask Allah to have a sweet day… watch your diet though 3- Nice dress ( fragrance etiquette (for man): not too much! Other people might have allergies + environment considerations) 4- Attend Eid prayer, make takbeer, pray and listen to the Khotba 5- Exchange greetings and congratulations even with non acquaintances: keep a smile on your face (try to practice) 6- Togetherness: with family and friends, invite others, go to coffee shops, restaurants (make sure you eat sharia-compliant):it is crucial to have a PLAN (here I am assuming you have already planned your sacrifice) 7- Make as many good deeds as possible...spread happiness 8- Takbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer 9- Allahu Akhbar
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 10:45:26 +0000

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