At this time the Whig Party should be focused on State and local - TopicsExpress


At this time the Whig Party should be focused on State and local level development. We need to focus on building the state groups, in order for the Whig party to be a viable organization takes county, district and state groups to give the face to the party. All the rhetoric and great ideas are meaningless if we do not have local and State ballot access. We need to start building each state origination. If you are in a state where a Whig party organization is established each person should be asking how they can help. We need to develop the party by giving some time by talking to people and telling them about the Whig party, and how there are options. Truly it does not take a lot to spread the word. Print up some flyers, brochures and others promotional things. Put some magnetic signs on your vehicle and carry information to tell others in your state about what the Whig party is. A set of 4 magnetic door signs does cost about $45.00. Is that too much to save up if you really do care about the Whig message? Is a single shirt with and Whig logo on it to hard to wear? A shirt is around $30-40 for a nice polo type shirt. I have a few orders on the site but was hoping that more people did have the drive to commit to the message of the Whigs. If you do not have a clue of some simple things look here: we have some things but willing to make anything people want. Vista print is not expensive and if you do not like what I have made up you can make your own, I do suggest first to run it by either the State or National leadership to keep the Whig message in line with the party platforms. At the State level we should be watching local and state legislation. This is where the laws affect the people directly. Developing a viable state and district organizations is where the motivation will drive the national. Attend your city and county meetings. See what is going on there. Ok we miss some TV time but once or twice a month is not too much if you care about your city or county. If you are in a state that does not have a State organization, help start one. Saying that you do not have the time or money to take this on is really a poor excuse if you truly care. It does not take any time to have a flyer sitting on your dashboard. Putting a magnetic sign does not take time to promote the cause. Actions speak louder than words alone. Have you told any of your family about the Whig party? Have you told your friends, Co-workers (not while at work) during lunch or your smoke break? You may not have the time to start a State or local Whig party yourself but maybe another that has the drive does. The party is nothing without people that do have a desire to get away from the status quo of the two party system. Having politicians and parties telling the people how they are to think, and that they know better than the people that put them there to represent them needs to be changed. The Politicians should be representing the people and their issues not their own addenda’s. It is up to you to help make the change. Ranting and raving about any party does nothing to change this. It takes you the people to stand up and do something. All the bashing and cutesy sayings do not make change. It takes people standing up and doing something. Forming local groups and organizing where people can see there are options. The silent majority is just that, silent and is discarded. With all this being said. Look into yourself and truly see if you can do something. All the rhetoric does nothing if you do not put your words into actions. Words without actions are nothing. Are you ready to stand up for your community, Your State, Your country? Saying that I am only one person and one person cannot do much, is an excuse to do nothing. Believe it or not, this is one of the few countries where you have the freedoms to voice your opinion and one person can make a difference. One person had an idea and told another, they told their friends and it became a nation. We are looking for people with passion and dedication to put their words into action. Become a District leader. Put your words in to action. Every person can make a difference. Are you ready?
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:03:11 +0000

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