At times in our lives we face decisions and circumstances in which - TopicsExpress


At times in our lives we face decisions and circumstances in which we feel we need God’s direction. For example, perhaps we are seeking God for guidance on how to resolve a relationship problem. God might tell us, we are hanging on to some resentment against that person. We may need to extend forgiveness in order for the problem to be solved. Or maybe we are asking God to cause our supervisor at work to have a more cordial attitude toward us. God might indicate that we should arrive at work on time! If we are seeking God’s leading on whether or not to buy a specific new house, God might want us to recognize that the price is beyond our budget. When we are nervous about a school exam, God might want us to understand the importance of doing our homework rather than spending excessive amounts of time on the computer or our phones. The Lord wants us to seek His will for the details of our lives. He wants to hear about the minor stresses and the major issues that may look like potential catastrophes. Furthermore, He wants to give us His directions on how to handle these matters. However, we should not be surprised if He gives us a lesson in the process.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 07:29:50 +0000

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