► Atheist Buzz Words And Phrases: Debunked ◄ ♦ “We are - TopicsExpress


► Atheist Buzz Words And Phrases: Debunked ◄ ♦ “We are sceptics!” Why do atheists claim scepticism as their own and not everybodys? So you’re sceptical of the stories and miracles in scripture for example, sure this is understandable to a certain degree, maybe a miracle as such hasnt occurred in your life but it depends what you deem a miracle... Albert Einstein — There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The universe is a miracle if you care to notice, as is your existence within it if you care to realize this, but you have the choice to believe it is not, which is another thing you can thank God for. Here’s the thing about scepticism though, you’re not the only ones who are sceptical, you’re sceptical of the supernatural, but theists are sceptical of naturalism as an explanation. I came to belief in God through being sceptical of what leading proponents of a purely materialistic existence were proposing. It works both ways. Scepticism is not yours atheists. ♦ Cognitive Dissonance! Wikipedia: Cognitive Dissonance is the feeling of discomfort when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions: ideas, beliefs, values or emotional reactions. In a state of dissonance, people may sometimes feel disequilibrium: frustration, hunger, dread, guilt, anger, embarrassment, anxiety, etc. A condition were all capable of succumbing too, largely attributed to the theist in response to scientific facts such as the creation of the universe from the Big Bang and cosmic and biological evolution, as opposed to documented creation stories. Sure, no doubt cognitive dissonance occurs within the theistic world view, because it does pretty much everyone, but atheists are not some sort of beacon of intellectuality, its quite the other and atheists ignore or reject best explanation arguments for God and thus distance themselves from very obvious evidence of a designer behind life. The biggest example of cognitive dissonance amongst atheists is the fact they don’t believe in a Creator, but they believe in a moment of creation. The atheists position would be on far stronger grounds if the universe didnt have a moment of creation, but contemporary science tells us it did, and arguing the universe came from nothing by nothing is nonsensical regardless as to who proposes it, whether it’s the average atheist, or a leading scientist and is pure evidence of cognitive dissonance from proponents of a purely naturalistic explanation to life. Also, redefining nothing to being unstable is oxymoronic and pure cognitive dissonance. In general, I see cognitive dissonance on display far more amongst overt atheists than amongst the theists. Leading atheist thinkers all agree, we appear designed, yet, at the same time reject a designer. Whos mental cognition is in dissonance here? I see it all the time; atheists honestly believe they are smarter for being able to execute the magnificent free will we have. Youre not that smart atheists, honestly and it’s your atheism that makes your intelligence less believable. Ever presented this definition to an atheist?: Atheism - The belief that there was nothing & nothing happened to nothing & then nothing magically exploded for no reason creating everything & then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason which then turned into dinosaurs. Makes perfect sense. They go on about how silly it is, and that isnt atheism. But, lets be honest, that sums up the majority of that world view. ♦ Youve got a closed mind! How on Gods green Earth the people that believe in omnipotence, omniscience, infinity and eternity are deemed the ones with the closed minds is a joke, surely? How does opening your mind up to infinite possibility mean it is the more closed world view or belief? Atheists, militant especially, are almost prisoners of the left side of their brain. Yes, use logic, but is logic alone sufficient for concluding zero intelligence behind us? Nope, especially when this intelligence is likely infinite. Infinity and eternity themselves are not logical concepts, even if that which is contained within is, and concluding their reality is. Why arent infinity and eternity logical concepts you atheists ask? The same reason pi isnt, no end, no measuring, no time. Belief in the never ending surely expands your world view, not hinder it?! ♦ We use logic! Blah blah blah the atheists say, they say: It’s a subjective logical conclusion I have come to that theres no objective logic behind cosmological and biological life! I am using my own logic to ascertain this objective claim, using that same objective logic that doesnt exist in my eyes, using it subjectively to conclude there is no logic behind life! What the F... Oh man?! Are these people for real? Atheism has had a bit of a renaissance in recent years as we all come together, new atheism it is, as information spreads of the shit that religion causes (which it does!) but not all theists are religious, atheism has no future as the truth spreads too about secular states and the shit that it causes let alone the objective flaws in this world view epistemologically, philosophically and intellectually. Also, it’s always the atheists that are telling theists to get clued up on logical fallacies, like temporary subjective logic can prove anything permanently. Atheists steal from objective theistic logic and try to use it against them to prove objective logic does not exist. Confused much? The truly smart people out there know were not here for no... ♦ We use reason! Again, chanted by atheists the world over: We use reason! Use logic! “In logic we reason!” whilst denying any reason behind life at all. Yet another atheistic paradox. Sure, there’s different connotations to the word reason and we can play a game of semantics, but everyone uses reason, everyone uses logic including the theist, the theist uses reason to assert intelligence best explains us, just because that conclusion is different to the atheists, doesnt mean reason and logic haven’t been used. Heres a far more intriguing reason to get your knickers in a twist: God is the reason! And God is the reason for your reason and the reasoning you use to reject this reason. The same reason overt atheists all over reason to deny any reason existing at all? Hmm. And its the theists that are confused? ♦ “We are rational!” See above and continue reading below, there is little rationale about this belief. ♦ You have nothing but faith! Sorry, but believing this universe blindly built itself and its occupants requires far more faith than believing in any intelligence behind it because intelligence behind it is so obvious. Theres no evidence at all that molecules can start self replicating from inanimate matter let alone create a vast family of life off the foundation of biological life coming into existence by random chance. Yes it is being researched, yes there are demonstrable experiments that partially show lifeless molecules can interact to some degree, but to self replicate, to begin biogenesis and then mutate into more advanced life that differs by the millions, there is no evidence, therefore the atheist has faith that such processes are possible in the face of zero evidence. Even if an inanimate molecule can be shown to self replicate, guess what the theist will say? Intelligence demonstrated it, therefore intelligence created the first self replicating molecule or the conditions required for it. Similarly, a universe from nothing cannot be proven or demonstrated, because something already exists. So, more faith required to believe this. The theist however see’s existence as it is, and concludes it is more likely that consciousness and intelligence and a form of existence has always existed, and this we label God. Far less faith required, far more a logical, rationable, reasonable conclusion. ♦ Show me evidence! Atheists: Stop asking for evidence! Proof, sure! You want proof, the two are completely different. All you are doing is displaying a stance of almost complete ignorance of your surroundings. The evidence is we didnt create the universe we are born into it. We didnt create ourselves. The universe had a beginning, a moment of creation and the evidence suggests that mindless explosions do not create order like we see and are part of. There’s your evidence of an intelligent beginning to the Creation and process to life. Jesus. Sure, we are precisely what you would expect living entities to be that were created to evolve possibly, but by intelligence with a Destiny to evolve from, and into. Heres the key to bridging the mythical gap between science and God: The Big Bang was the beginning! And, the following cosmic and biological evolution is solid evidence of Destiny! ^^ Simple as that. Appreciate all of you out there who would argue evolution does not work like that. Sure, and all Im saying is our current understanding of evolution is also part of an evolutionary process itself. And lastly, for now... ♦ We cant prove there is no God! You can’t prove a negative! So why do you believe there is no God then? Why have a belief that can never be proven? That’s a baseless belief and purely faith driven. God can be proven, by God at least, so the theistic belief is rational, the atheistic belief isnt. Cue: We can’t prove pink unicorns don’t exist. You sure? You can’t prove it? You sure you cant prove a negative? You bandwagon jumpers you! Textbook atheism does the rounds these days, atheists with clipboards with a list of all their logical objections to the reality of God. Wahooo! Keep using only one half of your brain you atheists! If my pockets are empty, empty of coins in this instance, and I reach into one of my pockets and pull out the pocket, revealing nothing, I have just proven that there were no coins in my pocket. I proved a negative. Atheist: No, you just proved a 0, not a negative! Really? If you take something away and you minus it but it’s still in positive equity, you have still taken away, deducted, created a negative even if it remains positive or even zero. And zero is the foundation of nothing, if something is zero, it doesnt exist, and it doesnt have to be in negative equity to be proven a negative. So, atheists, I kind of agree with you anyway, you can’t prove God doesnt exist because God exists, but if I were an atheist, I certainly wouldnt believe Gods non existence can’t be proven, because yet again that is a belief rooted in faith. Now you cant hide behind poor arguments any more, well you can and will continue too no doubt, but please feel free to embark on the perilous journey of proving God doesnt exist, because if He doesnt exist, then we should be able to prove it, if not now, then at some point, and saying it cant be done is a self admittance of a baseless belief, and nothing more than further imprisonment of your mind. Theres more that can be said, always, but for now, I leave it here. Peace.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 17:55:03 +0000

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