Attention All Earthlings your Banking System is rigged and the - TopicsExpress


Attention All Earthlings your Banking System is rigged and the powers that be know this and are continuing to under mind your rights to a free and peaceful existence. Until the Human Race and the Citizens of the World take back control of their nations currencies you will all be enslaved to the Criminal Elite a small group of individuals known as the 13 Families namely the Rothschild’s that control the Worlds money supply and Hence control your Governments, you will know No Peace and Remain Enslaved to the Banking Cartels of the World Banks & IMF and Rothschild’s Zionist New World Order PIGS that believe, they own all the rights to all Nations Natural Resources. Check out on You Tube (Wealth Inequality in America),( Wealth Inequality Around The World) Until these Banksters are imprisoned for the Fraud and Corruption they have committed and all assets are confiscated and returned to the Public Purse, we will continue to be enslaved to the War Lords that finance both side of WAR and only have THREE Yes 3 Countries left that they DO NOT CONTROL, CUBA, NORTH KOREA and you guess it IRAN. Groups like the Illuminati will continue to manipulate the system they wrote and the black mailing of governments will also continue. They will continue to Divide to Conquer using Race, Colour, Religion, Main Stream Media, False Flag attacks and the Very People you Elect to under mind you and Label You to hide their true motives with LIE’s. The Government Fears YOU, that’s why they spy on YOU, that’s why they are trying to destroy The Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. Time is running out for the corrupt politicians and the banking cartels of the Rothschild’s and their plans for a New World Order. Stand together as Citizens of a free and Democratic society where We The People control The Government not the Government controlling the People. Don’t be fooled or distracted by the LABELS they use to Divide to Conquer to enslave Humanity into a False Monetary System designed to only make the 1% Richer and the 99% poorer. Be aware of the Main Stream Media indoctrination with their False Flags Reports and misinformation and the Suppression of the Truth. Time for all Nation of the World to take back control of their currencies away from the World Banks and IMF whom send nations into a FALSE DEBIT to enslave that nations people. Reposes your Nations Stolen Wealth from these Banksters and Corporations that believe they Own all the Natural Resources of your nation and our planet earth. Their time is coming to an end as long as you remain awake vigilant educate inspire and change.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 01:08:40 +0000

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