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Available on wattpad. DEMIGODS UNITED. Chapter 8 RITWIK. Ritwik! A tall guy with a lean body. His eyes were dark as night and his black hairs were a little wavy. Ritwik wore spectacles. The wind blew swiftly around the grass field. Ritwik sat there on the green grass, trying to hear the voice of his heart. Mom... Ritwik mumbled. His eyes were shut. Silence made the moment more than peaceful. Guide me! He mumbled again. A hooting sound shook Ritwik. He lost his concentration and his eyes flung open. He looked up to the sky, pushing his spectacle with a finger. A huge black barn owl was souring above him freely. This is a dream. He said staring at the owl. It always happened with Ritwik. Whenever he was asleep and he was having a dream, this black barn owl would appear. It happened every time he was dreaming about his mother. Ritwik never got a chance to live with her. Not because she was busy but because she was a god. She couldnt come and live with Ritwik all the time. Ritwik was an Athenian, a son of Athena, the goddess of wisdom and military victory, and also the patron of the city of Athens. Sitting there in silence, looking up at the black barn owl was the omen that Athena was about to tell him something through a dream. Ritwik looked around curiously. He was looking for some indication that he could follow. After some brief scanning, he spotted something moving at the very end of the field. Something very small was trying to crawl without getting noticed by anyone as if it was trying to hide. A very important gift that Ritwik got from Athena, was his binocularous spectacles. When he had met his mother for the first time, she had replaced his normal specs, that he wore all the time, with this powerful device. This enabled Ritwik to see anything and everything around him clearly. The binocularous specs looked completely normal. But, it had zooming features. Just try to focus at anything and the view would zoom in or out as much as you want, giving you every detail. As Ritwik focused his eyes upon the moving object, he realized it was something very familiar. The small thing was Haulster, the labrador which Neo had kept hidden in her hut. How dare this little freak find its way to Ritwiks dream? Even though he had always looked after Haulster, Ritwik hated him so much. Since this little intruder had arrived, Vidhi and Neo had almost left Ritwik and taken care of him. Haulster had taken Ritwiks place. Now what? Even Athena was going to favor this intruder? Ritwik lost his temper and got up hurriedly. He ran towards the right corner of the field where Haulster was crawling. Wait up you moron!!! Ritwik yelled. Im gonna cut you into half today. Haulster peered up tilting his small head. When he realized what was about to happen, he ran ahead with full speed. But surely, Ritwik was much faster. He threw himself over Haulster as he reached closer to him. No more running! Ritwik snapped. Let me go!!! Ritwik froze. He frowned staring at the puppy. Haulster looked at him innocently. Ritwik grabbed him in both his hands and raised up in the air, analyzing it. Put me down you dumb head! Ritwik literally dropped Haulster. Holy Hades!!! This dog has really got some powers. He can speak? You can speak? Ritwik asked gently. Of course I can! Haulster said. His voice was of a teenager boy. Can you speak english? Ritwik asked foolishly. No! Haulster said trying to get out of his hands. I only speak the bow bow language. Ritwik frowned. What? Of course I can speak in english. Haulster said looking very cute even though his voice expressed his anger. Cant you understand what Im saying? Yes! Ritwik nodded. He was still trying to take in about Haulsters speaking ability. But what are you doing in my dream? I dont know which god brought me here. Haulster struggled. Im crawling around since I fell asleep in the forest. So... Ritwik realized what was happening. We both are asleep and my mom wants us to talk I guess? Im not interested in dating you. Haulster snapped. I have a girlfriend and she loves me. Yea! Ritwik said sarcastically. Youve got a girl and Im still single. Emma is your girlfriend. Haulster said still struggling to get out of Ritwiks grip but it wasnt bothering Ritwik at all. Emma? Ritwik frowned. Oh leave it. I dont want to talk about that. Get me out of this place! Haulster said angrily. Ritwik looked around. How am I suppose to kick you out of a dream? If you dont wake me up, Haulster mumbled waving his paws at his face. Ill be stuck here forever. What? What did Haulster mean? How could Ritwik wake up Haulster if he, himself was asleep. The wind around the grass field became warmer. One more thing! Haulster squealed. Ritwik felt as if Haulsters time was ending and he was hurrying up. What? Ritwik asked putting him on the grass. My name isnt Haulster... The puppy said. And please stop those girls from kissing me all the time. I have a girlfriend. What are you saying? Ritwik felt completely confused. My name is Jersey. The dog yelled running away. Jersey? Ritwik wondered why the puppy ran away. Then he turned and realized why. A hurricane was approaching in his direction. Mom? Ritwik mumbled. Is Zeus angry with you? A black barn owl zoomed above Ritwiks head. Ill take that as a yes! He mumbled. ——— Stop it! Ritwik heard a mans voice. If they wake up Im going to petrify you. His eyes were shut. He could feel the cold floor below him. His body was freezing. Ritwik felt numb. He wanted to move but he didnt had the strength. His head was bursting with pain as if it had been cracked into two halves. I dont think they are going to wake up for next two weeks. Another mans voice said. The dragons did a great job. Ritwik slowly opened his eyes. Two men were standing a little away from him on the left side. The room was very dark. Only some candles were flickering somewhere in the corner. The dark lord is going to be happy. Said the man who moved towards the door. Cmon.. we must prepare for his arrival. The other man followed him. Ritwik tried to stay still and calm. He shut his eyes pretending to be asleep. He could hear the footsteps walking away. Then he heard a clicking sound and the door was closed. Ritwik slowly looked around checking if someone else was there. Nobody was walking or standing. But surely, some girl was asleep on the cold floor. He tried to get up. With his head bursting with pain and his flying armor still covering him, it was difficult to get up. But he managed. He focused through his binocularous specs around the dark room for details. The girl was.... Emma, his girlfriend. Had a nice dream? Tons voice said from a corner. Ritwik focused and noticed that Ton was sitting in the dark which was partially lightened by the candles. A boy was asleep beside Ton. Whos he? Ritwik wondered if the boy was Justin. Luke Ton said looking at the boy. They sprayed some kind of thing on Luke and Emma. You were hit on the head I guess. Ritwik nodded. Wheres Justin? He asked looking around. Where are we exactly? And.. Neo? Ritwik waited for Neo to say Im here you babbling buffoon!! But no response. He looked at Ton. Ton shrugged. You wont believe it! He said shaking his head. Tell me? Ritwik said eagerly. Ton sighed. I was awake.. pretending to be asleep because I was very weak. They were talking.. about sacrificing someone. Ritwik gulped. Who? He asked getting up. He realized that his body was aching. But he walked to Tons side. Neo of course. Ton said lamely as if it was a fact. I think they took Justin.... because he tried to save her till the very end. Is he alive? Ritwik asked sitting on the cold floor beside Ton. Luke was faint. No idea! Ton bit his lip. I wonder whats gonna happen with Neo. Ritwik frowned. What do you mean? He said getting angry. You said it that they were about to sacrifice her. So what else could happen? Ton looked nervous. Ritwik.. He said shifting a bit. Look... they were saying.. they would sacrifice Neos body and her soul will be cursed to live inside a normal... mortal human body. Ritwik could hear his heart beating faster and harder than ever. Neo was her best friend. Even though they werent under the same age group, they were like childhood friends. Now... here.. Neo was about to be sacrificed. No! Ritwik almost yelled. Ton covered his mouth with his hand. Shut up! He said. Youll get all of us sacrificed. How can you be so calm? Ritwik asked pushing Tons hand away. Im not calm. Im worried... Ton said lowering his voice. If they come to know were awake.. theyll take us to their head.. the dark lord or whatever. He didnt got a name or what? Ritwik raised an eyebrow. Who? Ritwik shuddered. He almost was about to shoot the pinpoint arrows but.. it was Emma. She was awake now. Her hairs were a bit tangled but still she looked beautiful. Emma Watson was Ritwiks girlfriend but.. only in a manner of saying. Ritwik liked Emma a lot. He might have loved her too but Emma was a bit different. She had already broken Ritwiks heart once. And as its true, once the trust is broken in a relationship, it is very difficult to trust again. Ritwik had spotted Emma kissing a boy from the Zeus cabin a month ago. He hadnt said a word about it to Emma at all. She never got to know that Ritwik had known about her private affair. But to his disgust, the boy, whom Emma had kissed, came to cabin Athena himself to tell Ritwik about the affair. He told Ritwik that Emma had charm spoken and dragged him into kissing her. He was feeling guilty and was disgusted too. Ritwik kept calm. He let the topic end. But then.. he started getting information around the camp that Emma had charm spoken to many boys in the camp. Now almost every boy was trying to stay away from her so they didnt got dragged in the trap of this serial kisser. Ritwik stayed by her side. He might have been behaving like he believed the boys but he actually loved Emma. His heart wasnt ready to agree with the ugly truth. He was waiting for Emma since a long time to confess whatever the truth was. But even after a month had passed, Emma didnt confessed anything. Before Ritwik had met Emma, he had never known what was love. He was an orphan. But with some help of a Non government organization, he got a scholarship. He lived in an orphanage named Jannat, meaning heaven. Ritwik never got to know who was his mother or father until he got the scholarship and joined a private boarding school. He loved his orphanage a lot. All the children there were very friendly and like a family. But now he had to move on. He had to join this boarding school so he could study even more. He had always been an amazing student as he studied a lot. Ritwik liked studies. He actually loved studies. When Ritwik joined the boarding school St. Williams, he realized something. The children here were very different. They were very rich and arrogant. Everyone had good clothes to wear. Ritwik was a very normal boy... ironically. He was very intelligent. Whatever he got, he tried to gain knowledge about it. Still, no matter how much he studied, he always wanted to learn more. He had been in this school for a week now. Nobody had tried to talk to Ritwik till now. He felt like an odd or infected boy. Hurry up there. Mr. Clare called up looking at Ritwik as he walked alone very slowly behind a group of rich boys and girls. Mr. Clare was the warden of the boys boarding house. He treated Ritwik nicely. Ritwik walked faster. He crossed the crowd and reached Mr. Clare. Excited! Mr. Clare said. Arent you? Ritwik gave him a fake smile. Yea! He mumbled. All the students were going to a museum with Mr. Clare. Ritwik wasnt bullied by anyone but neither was he liked by anyone. The museum wasnt that crowded. It was a monday so people would have been busy with their own jobs. Only some tourists were seen roaming around and clicking pictures. You dont think it might be an off day. Ritwik asked Mr. Clare. Theres almost nobody around. Mr. Clare frowned looking around. Ritwik felt like he was looking for someone. All the students were scattered. Ritwik was alone. He looked around at the statues and paintings. Suddenly he noticed a red note on the wall. CAUTION!!! He frowned. Why on earth did he noticed it? Even though it was just a board, it made Ritwik feel very alert. He looked to his left. Two girls from his class were clicking pictures. Behind them was a door. Ritwik frowned. He felt himself getting tensed. On the door, was written, EMERGENCY EXIT. Ritwik wondered if these non living objects were giving him a sign about something. Someone tapped on his shoulder. Ritwik ignored it. He looked to the left of the door. A statue. But something wasnt right about it. The statue had a human body but from waist down, he was a goat? What the hell? Ritwik thought. Why would someone keep a statue like that? For representating cross breeds? His mind was stupid at times. Now he was wondering, why would a human and goat would— His thought was left incomplete as someone grabbed his collars and picked him up just like that. Ritwik was hanging in the air. He tried to feel the floor beneath his feet but.. he was actually a bit above from the ground. His eyes flicked to the ones face who was holding him like that. A prime demigod! The man sneered. He had jet black eyes and blonde hairs. Im sorry to disappoint you, sir. Ritwik said trying to touch the ground. But Im the holder of the post youre talking about. He tried to loosen the grip of the mans hands on his collars but it was like he was made of steel.... very strong indeed. Where are the rest of your kind? The man hissed. Where are they hiding? Ritwik felt lost. He had no idea what was happening. His rich and arrogant classmates were looking scared and were trying to hide behind statues. Let the boy go! Ritwik looked up for the source of voice. It was Mr. Clare. Wow.. at least someone was in his support. Instantly, Ritwik was dropped on the floor and now the man was facing Mr. Clare. You havent changed much Clare. The man said with a smirk. Only you look more muggle. Mr. Clare stood there proudly. Ritwik wondered why he was dragged like this in the meeting of these two old friends. Get out of here Hellberk! Mr. Clare said looking rude. Nobody wants you here. Well! The man, Hellberk said. I wasnt planning on it but.. He glanced at Ritwik. Now I think I want something that you have. Ritwik frowned. I dont have anything. He said. Seriously. No! Mr. Clare snapped. He walked hurriedly to Ritwik and helped him get up. Ritwik was so lost that he didnt even got up since Hellberk had dropped him. He will not give it to you. Mr. Clare said pushing Ritwik behind him protectively. He will use it for the good... not the evil. Hellberk raised a small lean black stick and Mr. Clare did the same. Ritwik thought they were about to play poker... maybe some old game? A series of streak of lights shot out from the sticks of the two friends. Ritwik was shielded by Mr. Clare. He was fighting with Hellberk with just a stick? Alright, not a normal stick but still.. Suddenly a streak of light from Mr. Clares stick in his hand, hit Hellberks stick and it burst. Hellberk looked completely dazzled. Then with a pop, he vanished. Everything was still and silent. Ritwik looked around. His classmates were peering from behind the statues. Come now! Mr. Clare pulled Ritwik by his collars. Mr. Clare never told him what Hellberk wanted from him. All he said was, Stay in the camp. Remember hes alive and now hell be looking for you. Mr. Clare traveled with Ritwik to make sure that he reached the camp safely. But half the way, they were stopped by a cyclops. Ritwik had fought the cyclops and won. That was when he was claimed by Athena. Ritwik was dazzled to see her godly mother. He traveled rest of the journey alone, flying on a huge owl sent by Athena. A huge, black barn owl. Since the day he arrived at the camp, the same owl had appeared in his dreams every time Athena wanted to give him some message or visit him in a dream. And now also, the same thing happened when Ritwik dreamt about Haulster talking to him. I dreamed.. Ritwik said casually. Emma frowned. About? Ritwik told Ton and Emma about his dream of haulster talking to him. He also told them that Zeus might be angry with Athena. Thats weird. Luke said. He was awake now and was listening to Ritwik as he explained his dream. Luke got up and sat beside Ton. For some reason, Ton looked uncomfortable. But Luke was completely casual and frank with Ton. What could Athena do that angered Zeus? Luke asked. I dont know. Emma said getting up. But right now .. I guess friends are more important. Ritwik had almost forgotten about Justin and Neo. We need to save them. Ton said. Thanks for reminding me! Luke nudged Ton in the elbow. I forgot about that. Ritwik could see Ton blushing even in the dark. He didnt wanted to interrupt this Aphroter (Aphrodite+Demeter) romance. But they could save it for later right? How do we get out? Ton asked trying to look normal. We.. Ritwik thought hard. We make noise. Emma looked at him as if Ritwik was mad. Why? When we make noise.. Ritwik explained. They come to take us. Right! Ton squealed. Theyll take us straight to the place where theyre keeping Neo and Justin. Yes! Ritwik added. Theyll want to sacrifice us too. So they might take us where they took Neo and Justin. So.. Luke said charmingly. Are we planning our own death procedure? Oh cmon! Ritwik got up. He was still in his armor. He clicked a button on the watch he wore in his left hand. The armor disappeared with some clicking noise. Emma picked up a candle and looked around the room. Luke looked out of mood but he got up lazily and looked down at Ton who was still sitting. Dont desire to die? Luke asked Ton. Not yet! Ton said getting up. For some reason Ritwik felt like Luke was trying to flirt with Ton. But Ton was trying to stay normal and away from Luke. Ritwik picked up a rod from the corner of the room. He walked straight to the door and hit it with the rod. Emma giggled staring at him. Gotta get the spot light, right? Ritwik smiled at her before hitting the door again. Next moment he flung in the air and fell on the floor. The door was burst open from the other side. Thats painful. Ritwik mumbled sitting on the floor. He looked up. The same two idiotic men were standing holding thin sticks and pointing them at Ritwik. Sacrifice time!! The tall man yelled. The dragons didnt do that great job though. The short man snapped. Oh my gods!!! Emma said dramatically. They will take us to the same place where they took Neo and Justin. Please dont. Ritwik knew Emma was fooling them. He tried to continue the drama. Oh no! Ritwik said crawling on the floor. They are so scary. He said sarcastically. Luke looked completely bored as Ton stood there very quietly. The two men looked impressed and happy. Get up! The tall one called Ritwik. Ritwik got up hurriedly. The two men took Ritwik, Emma, Luke and Ton outside. They crossed a hall which was lit by lanterns. The next room was locked. A man was sitting outside the room as if on a duty. As soon as he saw them approaching, he unlocked the door. The two men motioned the demigods to enter. Even though Ritwik sensed trouble, he entered. It was almost dark. The room was very big. It had very high ceiling and was very spread out. But nothing was there. Look! Ton pointed to the left. Ritwik focused hard through his binocularous specs. A cage was settled there. Inside the cage, was the biggest prankster of camp demigods united, Justin!!! Emma ran to the cage. But where was Neo? Ritwik looked around. He looked to his right. Another cage was settled in the corner. Inside the cage, Neo was curled up. Was she asleep? Ritwik looked at Justins cage. Ton and Luke were talking to him. Ritwik jogged to the cage. He wants to take Neos powers. Justin told them. Thats why hes sacrificing her. Justin looked terrible. He was shivering with fear or maybe anger. Who wants her powers? Ritwik asked. She doesnt has any powers. The dark lord. Justin said grabbing the grills of the cage. A man.. Lucius Malfoy came here.. he talked to me.. something about sacrificing her within an hour. As if Luke faked a chuckle. Thats gonna happen? The floor vibrated. Luke clutched Tons hand. Shouldnt have said that I guess. He mumbled. The floor vibrated again. Emma grabbed Ritwiks arm. Whats happening? She asked staring at the floor. Ritwik looked at Neos cage. Neo was asleep. He wanted— BOOM!!! At a distance, the floor cracked and burst. Ritwik and Emma fell on the ground. He looked up at Justins cage. It was broken from one side now. They had to hurry. Ton helped Justin getting out of the cage and Luke gaped at the cracks appearing around them on the floor. Neo! Justin ran to her cage as he got out of his own. The floor was still vibrating as if it was an earthquake. He didnt even thanked me. Ton pouted staring at Justin as a part of ceiling crashed right beside him. Ritwik ran towards Neos cage after Justin. Emma followed him. Suddenly something zoomed inside the roon from the holes in the ceiling. Ritwik looked up. Not one or two... but more people were zooming inside the huge room flying on a... sorry? Was that a broom? One landed right beside Ritwik. The boy was very lean and tall with red hairs. He wore formal suit. Hey George! He said to the other boy who just landed beside him. You lost. I landed first. Ritwik realized the two boys were twins. Next time Fred! George said as he gave a coin to Fred. Many more people were landing behind them. But suddenly the doors burst open. Kill them!! Someone yelled. Fred and George pulled Ritwik and Emma aside and stepped ahead. They had thin sticks in their hands. Cmon! Ritwik looked at Neos cage. Ton was calling him and Emma. Justin and Luke were inside the cage with Neo and some people were doing something... maybe magic? The cage was rising slowly. Theyre escaping! Someone at the doors yelled. Escape!!! Ritwik came back to his senses. He grabbed Emmas hand and ran towards the cage. Neo was still asleep. Justin was holding her in his arms protectively. Ton gave a hand to Ritwik and pulled him up. Emma was pulled up by Luke. The cage rose higher and higher. A war had begun. People were fighting with those thin sticks. As the cage reached the ceiling, the people who had come to rescue them climbed their brooms and zoomed up. The hole in the ceiling was too big. It was dark outside. Yes... it was night. The flying cage moved out of the hole. Ritwik sat on the floor of the cage looking around. They were flying inside a cage? How ironic was that... he noticed something that he hadnt noticed before. Haulster was sleeping with his tongue stuck out as usual near Justin. He was reminded of his dream. He looked at Ton and Luke as they peered down together to see how high they were. Then he looked at Emma. She was kneeling beside him. Whats happening? He asked her. Emma looked around. Their unknown rescuers were zooming around the cage to make sure it was safe and kept flying. I dont know. She mumbled. Maybe something big.. thats why two different worlds are uniting. What? Ritwik asked. Ritwik! Emma grabbed his hand. We are demigods. These people.... theyre wizards and witches. We are two different worlds. Ritwik frowned. Emma was right. They were two different worlds. Why were they colliding? As they sat peacefully inside the cage, Ritwik was still curious thinking about what was happening. All in all... he had calculated by now that something big was about to happen.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:43:39 +0000

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