BALE UP SOME PINE STRAW AND LET’S PLAY! The courts were dry - TopicsExpress


BALE UP SOME PINE STRAW AND LET’S PLAY! The courts were dry today at 1pm, we just had to get up about three bales of pine straw so we could play. I got there first and, using my blower, got the nearest end of the court cleared before Matt Moore showed up to give me a hand. And I needed a hand. I was blowing pine straw and leaves one way and the wind was blowing it back at me, no matter which way I tried to blow it. The wind came from the east, it came from the west, and when it got tired of that, it came from the north and then from the south. I said some things I probably shouldn’t have said about the wind and the stuff I was blowing. Matt got the broom and swept the big piles I’d corralled the stuff into off the court and out the door. We battled it for about thirty minutes before we had the court clear enough to play. Spencer Creech and John Broadfoot soon joined us, followed a little later by Zach Heath and Rodney Creech. Spencer and I (The Annihilators) took on John and Matt (Slice N Dice) in the first mini set of the day. The Annihilators held a 2-1 advantage after three games, but Slice N Dice came roaring back to win it 4-2. Matt dominated his two service games and John picked off everything approaching the net and that was all she wrote. Spencer and I took a seat. Zach and Rodney (The Heech) tangled with Slice N Dice next and took them to task. It was all tied up 3-3 after six games, but The Heech was hot and took game seven for the 4-3 victory. Zach was all over the place making great saves on John’s deadly drop shots and Rodney was standing toe-to-toe and slugging it out with Matt, actually, it was baseline-to-baseline, but toe-to-toe sounded so much better. The Annihilators took to the court again, this time against The Heech. Spencer and I were on a mission and would not be denied, although Zach and Rodney put up a good struggle. All the games were close, but The Annihilators did what they do best – annihilated – and took the set cleanly 4-0. Enter Slice N Dice. Looking for revenge, The Annihilators jumped out in front of SND 2-1 after the first three games, but SND tied it up by winning game four. TA buckled down in the next two games and won the set by a 4-2 margin. At this point, the teams kind of came apart. Rodney went to watch the parade for a little while and we just mixed it up and played tennis. I don’t remember who won or who lost and it doesn’t matter because we were all happy to just be playing. We played a few more mini sets and then Zach and Matt left for home. That left Rodney and me (Creech & Chong) to go up against Spencer and John (Off the Mark & Spencer). Creech & Chong enjoyed an early lead at 2-1 after three games, but OM&S climbed right back into it hard and heavy, taking games four, five, and six for a 4-2 lead. C&C scratched out another game to cut the lead to 4-3, but OM&S put the hammer down and swept the next two games and the set 6-3. We had a lot of great shots and most of the games were fairly close. We had some very good rallies and some good volleys. I don’t know how it could have turned out any better, unless, of course, Rodney and I had won. Just kidding. Hoping to get in some night tennis this week. The weather promises to be conducive to that, so let’s see who we can get out there.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 23:36:22 +0000

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