BATSWANA CELEBRATE INDEPENDENCE IN AUSTRALIA From Canberra Times @ - article with photo gallery. “Lively spark at Botswana day” Join the navy and see the world is an oldie. Join the NSW Rural Fire Service and see Botswana is a newbie. It’s true though for 70-plus salaried and volunteer RFS personnel who’ve been taking their knowledge to Botswana to assist in the training of personnel in fire management. This is part of an initiative that began in 2009 with federal government assistance and continues today with a variety of programs, exchange opportunities, equipment and the support of high commissioner of Botswana Molosiwa Selepeng, who welcomed Brian Graham of the RFS as a special guest. Guest performers, who came just off a plane and were a tad jetlagged, took centre stage to dance up a storm. The Ngwao Letshwao cultural dance troupe performed with exuberance and the best ankle decoration accompaniment to keep the rhythms pumping. The troupe’s version of the Australian national anthem was obviously well-practiced and a surprise for all. And the nicest surprise of all was the appearance of the tiniest Botswana princess, Lehwana Legakwa, daughter of the high commissioner and his wife Game Selepeng at her first and Botswana’s 47th Independence Day celebrations in her princess dress with a burberry print skirt.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 10:59:22 +0000

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