BENUE 2015 PLUS: HINGAH BIEM ONCE-IN-A GENERATION POLITICAL LEADER, OUR NEXT GOVERNOR IN THE WAITING. In an Era of sound-bite politics, Hingah Biem has managed to reintroduce nuance into Benue State political discussions. Biem has reinjected the act of patience as a vital tool for political consultations, a strategy which seems to be working in his favours as against odd. In an age characterized by ever Shriller, ever more polarized politics of bitterness, name calling and favouritism, Hingah Biem seems to have found a way to bridge divides and generate a renewed sense of community and common purpose. Interestingly Benue Voters trust in Biem, they believed that Biem will be honest with them and that, he will govern with their best interest at heart. That Biem wouldnt simply hear their world ant twist them for short-term advantage and that, he will hear them listen to them carefully and genuinely bring their concerns with him if he worn the election and move into Gov. House come 2015: Today, there are millions of Benue people literally who are praying for Hingah Biem success at the primaries and subsequently sound victory at the general polls. Biem sound victory at the primaries is eminent as evident in the unfolding political events in the political terrain of MINDA intermediate Area of the Tiv people. No amount of blackmail and political conspiracy can stop Hingah Biem from becoming the Governor of Benue State come 2015.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 17:34:04 +0000

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