“BETTER BE POOR AND HONEST THAN RICH BUT DISHONEST” (BIBLE PROVERBS ) “IF YOUR BROTHER OR SISTER HAS COMMITED MISTAKES THEN YOU TOLERATE IT, GOD WILL SURELY HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE FOR HIS/HER BLOOD.” (FROM THE BIBLE) Hi everybody!!! I was so busy these past few days making grades for my students. Here I am again. I just want to say thank you for those people who say degrading and humiliating words to me. It is just normal for me even God when He was on earth He was despised and even rejected. But I challenged you people to reveal that during our Alumni General Assembly and I am assured that you will suffer consequences. LET US NOT FORGET THE ISSUE, BEING TRANSPARENT!!! What happen now days? Even small organizations are not transparent. How much more to the national level? If you cannot be trusted with small things how much more to big things. I am talking of analogies here people. We must be awaken!!! God gives us eyes whether big or small so that we can see what is true and wrong. THEN IF YOU CAN SEE EVIL IN THERE, CORRECT IT!!! Mrs. President cited in her older post, that she was in our school to have a meeting with us. Yes, it was true. But the lies in there, was that I myself intend not to attend her meeting with some of my co-teachers. At that time, I was so busy making and computing grades. I did not notice also that MRS. President was there. Besides she did not inform us in formal writing/communication. Not only me did not attend but also the other teachers too such as MRS. JOSEPHINE TOMOL, MRS. GAUDENCIA PAPONG, AND MR. IRVING OCTOT. During the meeting together with some of my co-teachers, MRS. JESUSA T. SURAT and MRS. MARIA VERONA PERE MY BELOVED AUNT, told the Mrs. President to call me, but she just answer “no need to call her, you know naman.” Now who tell the truth me or the former? She avoids me!!! Even during the previous meeting with the fresh graduate, she did not even inform us the teachers. Only a few, MRS. EVELYN CRUZADA. I don’t know why? OBVIOUS BA? PUPPET FORM OF GOVERNMENT? ANYWAY I RESERVE ALL MY QUESTIONS THIS COMING GENERAL ASSEMBLY!!! BY THE WAY PEOPLE YOU CAN’T DICTATE WHAT I WANT TO SAY BECAUSE I’M NOT PUPPET.” WHY? DID YOU GIVE ME FOOD TO SHUT UP MY MOUTH? TRUTH IS HURTING!!! I WARN YOU THAT WE MUST BE IN HURRY TO REGISTER TA SA SECURITY AND EXCHANGE COMMISION BECAUSE DI RA BA PUEDE NGA SIGI TA PANGAYU OG DONATION OR LIMUS IF KOLURUM TA NGA ORGANIZATION. I KNOW THE OFFICERS KNOW THAT. I ASK THIS MATTER TO THE SO. LEYTE BALITA. PUEDE TA ANA KASUHAN.BAWO BA UG NAA TAY PERMIT NGA SIGI MAN TA PANGTULISIT. REMEMBER EVEN AMERICA, IS SUFFERING FINANCIAL CRISIS. LET US NOT PRETEND THAT WE ARE ALL RICH AND MILLIONAIRE. THEN WHAT AFTER ALL?
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 03:01:59 +0000

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