BIBLICAL FATHERHOOD--THE GREAT NEED OF THE WORLD 7z-10) HE HAS A GENERATION MINDSET-- ROLE MODELING LOVE THAT REJOICES NOT IN INIQUITY (1 Corinthians 13:6). Men, it is better to inform our families of what God is doing rather than what the devil is doing. Our children need to be led by fathers and mothers who refuse to be captivated by scandalous behavior, whether it is within the family or outside the family. The publishing of iniquity is big business in this country. The checkout stands, tabloids, and media are full of it, openly glamorizing sin with glossy front covers to get our attention. Gods love eeds to be role modeled in our homes in order to raise a generation who will be powerful in the truth and revolutionary promoters of righteousness. We want to raise children who will push back the powers of darkness, replacing leaders that promote corruption and perversion throughout the hallways of our government, media, and state education. Today, the news coming out of our media is choked full of scandalous iniquity which is indicative of the evil times in which we live. I am not saying that we should not know and be aware of the dangerous laws being laid upon us or of the scandalous lies and cover ups in which government is involved. We must certainly be aware of these so we can do all that is possible to expose and thwart the evil as well as protect ourselves and families. However, we must not be entertained by it, find pleasure in sharing it, or in any way make fun or light of it. Ephesians 5:11 says, Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove (expose) them. Be encouraged. Colin Campbell
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 13:48:00 +0000

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