BILLBOARD CALLING ON PALESTINIANS TO RUN OVER ISRAELIS. A large billboard in Israel’s largest Arab city, Nazareth, is using a play on words in Arabic between ISIS – “Daesh,” and running down with a vehicle – “daes,” to promote vehicular terror attacks against Israelis, Israel’s Walla News reported Sunday. The billboard – not some private poster hanging on a porch, but rather a professional billboard erected, amazingly enough, close to the city’s police station – can be understood as saying “ISIS/Overrunning Nazareth.” Spokesmen for the Israel Police Northern District said “the issue was as yet unknown and would be investigated,” and Nazareth municipality officials have not yet offered a response to the unprecedented incitement to murder. The billboard comes in the wake of several such lethal attacks in the last weeks, which have killed an infant, a young woman, a young man, border policemen, and wounded scores of others. As well, such calls have flooded both Palestinian official and private social media, with scores of graphic images and photos flooding Facebook and Twitter posts, blogs, and newspapers and magazines, urging drivers to use their vehicles to ram down Israelis in a “car intifada.” On Friday, Yeshiva student Shalom Aharon Baadani, 17, died of injuries he sustained in Wednesday’s vehicular terror attack in Jerusalem, becoming the second victim in the incident. Baadani was riding his bicycle to the Western Wall when he was hit by a terrorist’s car near the Shimon Hatzadik light rail station. Israeli Border Police Superintendent Jadan Assad was also killed in the attack, which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attributed to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s incitement against Israel. “This attack was the direct result of the incitement of Abbas and his Hamas partners,” Netanyahu said. “This front of hate wants to run over all of us. Peace will come when Abbas stops calling Jews ‘defilers’ and he stops embracing murderers.” On October 22, a Hamas terrorist rammed his car along a passenger loading platform for the capital’s light rail, killing an infant, and two others. In the latest example of the Palestinian call for killing Jews and Israelis, lyrics of a just released “pop song,” say: “Run over the two month old baby – that is how we get them,” Channel 2 News said. The song, by Anas Garadat and Abu Khayad goes on, “For Al-Aqsa we will run over settlers. Run over settlers. Make the road become a trap, Allah will help you. The whole Arab nation calls you – bless you Akari Ibrahim (The terrorists behind the attack last Wednesday), run over run over!” algemeiner/2014/11/09/arabic-billboard-in-nazareth-calls-for-running-over-israelis-video/#comments
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 06:24:01 +0000

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